You read that right, 23 more channels are to be added to the Kwese TV bouquet in the next three months to take the grand total available to 100 channels.
Kwese TV launched with about 66 channels and since that time more channels have been added bringing the grand total available in Zimbabwe to 77. Yes, it appears 11 channels have been added since launch, I count five but apparently it has been 11.
We know for certain that ZBC TV was added on the 19th of November, just in time for us to witness the military takeover events. Just three days ago Kwese added four new channels, Nat Geo and FOX being two of them and I was pumped to see that.
So now Kwese goes on and says 23 more quality channels are on the horizon. It’s hard not to be pumped about that.
We don’t know which channels they will be just yet but I know that at the very least one of the channels will be just perfect for me.
Some of the channels will be Kwese channels like Kwese Inc for example and the others will be third party channels like Nat Geo. Regarding the channels, Kwese said,“We have an amazing line up of new channels on their way. Some of the channels are our own innovations and they take time to complete, but we are almost there now.”
Let’s acknowledge that it is Kwese’s job to say the coming channels are amazing. They would be terrible at their job if they came out and said, ‘we’ll be throwing in a couple dozen of terrible channels just so we can reach 100 channels,’ don’t you think.
So them saying the channels will be amazing really is not saying much but that too does not mean the channels won’t be amazing. Out of 23 channels it is possible to not find even one you enjoy but the probability is in favour of at least one being awesome for you personally.
Will there be a sports channel offering the bulk of English Premier League matches? We have no idea at this point but one can certainly hope although I think March is too early for such a deal to be closed by Kwese.
We will have to wait until March to see just what it is we will be getting.
I hope this news stirs DStv to action. We need the fight for our hard earned bond notes to heat up. Kwese being younger and having fewer channels than DStv means they have more to add. However DStv can add a few too or at least shuffle the bouquets. Just anything to entice us to choose them over the 23-new-channel-promising Kwese.
It’s shaping up to be a consumer’s market, a far cry from what it was even just a few months ago in Zimbabwe. Let’s hope the fight continues.
What kind of content are you most hopeful to see added? I know the sports lovers have been very vocal about their wants. What about everyone else? What would make you ditch DStv if you haven’t already?
11 responses
We need French League and Bundisleague there appear to be up for grabs and wrestling
La liga please
Believe you me once there are quality channels and especially sports channels, the prices will go up like wild fire, i know Econet they want to lure you like a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, once they get going, it shall ne the same or higher than Dstv. On dstv payments it shall be a thing of the past by March
Leave us to see that happen. Give us a break from the monopoly of
Monopoly of DSTV. They have robbed us long enough and Ill-treated is for so long. Coz Kwese is local, we’ll support it till it comes to perfection. DSTv out! I give them about $100 monthly but they still treat me with no respect. M sick n tired of this overpriced monopoly!
“Will there be a sports channel offering the bulk of English Premier League matches? ” Doubt this will happen anytime soon as this is Supersport’s cash cow. We may have to to with the streaming sites and or use nefarious methods to watch our favourite sports!
DMX Audio music and radio channels PLEASE! I miss uninterruoted 24/7 quality music of the 70s, Love Songs, Classics, Contemporary Hits, and many, many radio stations lìkè Jacaranda, BBC etc, especially that coming as a bonus.
These channels make a huge impression on visually impaired persons (VIPs) and there are many of us who subscribe to PayTV just to get these.
In addition, the Nigerian accent on the KWESE African news and other channels is not always the best for us in Southern Africa. Let us have some African channels with our own accent also. This will bring welcome variety.
For now, I will revert back to Multichoice just for these audios and home accent, and hope KWESE will also address our need, as VIPs especially, and I will come back to my home initiative – KWESE.
kwese keep up the good work. NO TO MONOPOLY !!
we need super sport on jersey so that we watch wwe
we need super sport on kwese so that we can watch WWE and trace urban and one gospel,yadar TV keep it up kwese
Give us Kwese Sports….La liga, EPL, Germany, Italy, France…..