The theme for this year’s Zimbabwe Internet Governance Forum (ZIGF) is “Shaping and Securing Zimbabwe’s digital future”.
The focus of this year’s forum is to address questions relating to the influence of digitization on our economy, sustainable development the data economy, social media, human rights on the internet, cyber security as well as bridging the digital gender divide.
Here it is in pictures (being continuously updated since it is still ongoing)
If interested in virtually participating, particularly if you have questions to ask, please feel free to use the comments section and we will direct them to the appropriate channels/stakeholders.
5 responses
1. Will the Digitization fundamentally reshape business models, lower barriers to entry and expanding market reach for enterprises?
2. Companies are increasingly relying on social media to build brands. More and more, subscribers are forming their purchase opinions online. What measures are there to make data affordable and accessible to and sundry.
3. Policymakers should shape the impact of digitization by becoming digital market makers. They will need to do more than set policy and regulations. What are they prepared to do to encourage digital activities that benefit companies and society.
Thank you Edward, we’ll definitely forward those questions.
Look out for the answers either here or as different article(s) altogether (depending on how much content we get and of course it would be beneficial to more people if it’s in form of an article)
Thanks again!
1. Will the Digitization fundamentally reshape business models, lower barriers to entry and expanding market reach for enterprises?
2. Companies are increasingly relying on social media to build brands. More and more, subscribers are forming their purchase opinions online. What measures are there to make data affordable and accessible to all and sundry.
3. Policymakers should shape the impact of digitization by becoming digital market makers. They will need to do more than set policy and regulations. What are they prepared to do to encourage digital activities that benefit companies and society.
I believe the ICT ministry and potraz are thwarting growth. Due to following ISP licensing fees
why is taking so long to licence VNOs?
I believe the ICT ministry and potraz are thwarting growth. Due to following ISP licensing fees
why is it taking so long to licence VNOs?