Acquire and enhance your skills with Udemy for $11, A Limited Offer To Pay Using EcoCash Is Available

So a lot of people got in touch with me after they missed the Udemy new year promotion. It’s January and everyone is running around trying to look for money for rent/rates, school fees, bread, transport/fuel and about a million other things. A discount is always welcome news.


Please note while the promotion is still running the offer to assist those who want to pay via Ecocash has expired. I have run out of funds for now.


Udemy is running a promotion where you can enroll for their courses for $11. Click here to take advantage of the offer. Because I am a saint for a limited time I am offering a select number of people the opportunity to pay for a Udemy course using Ecocash. Please check the last paragraph to learn how you can take advantage of this offer.

What the heck is Udemy

My colleague has already written about Udemy. In short Udemy is an online platform that allows students to enroll for online, usually short, courses put up by experts, enthusiasts and lecturers. These courses are usually on a specific subject for example Angular JS, in video format with lots of projects and can be completed on your own pace. When you complete the course you have a new skill and awarded a certificate of completion which is in JPEG or PDF format.

Getting the bang for your buck

Zimbabweans are notoriously frugal, 20 years of worth of economic despondency will do that to you. So how much is your $11 worth? Well once you pay the $11 you get lifetime access to the course. You can complete it in 10 hours or 10 years that’s entirely up to you. You will not be asked for additional payment. In fact you can retake the course as many times as you want if there is a certain part that’s tripping you up.

Is $11 really a great bargain?

As I have pointed out this is a bargain. Normally some of these courses sell for around $200. If you enroll now you get lifetime access and save as much as $189 on the regular price. I don’t know about you but I do love saving money.

Taking advantage of the discount

Unlike the previous discount where you could just visit Udemy’s site and take advantage of the offer this one requires you to follow this link. When you click the link and land on Udemy you will note that the discount has been applied automatically on all courses. Please note this offer will expire on Friday at 11.59 PM so make sure to take advantage of it before then.


As already said you can just follow the link above and search for your preferred course. I have however created a list of ten courses that I think our readers might be interested in:

  1. iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp
  2. The Complete Android N Developer Course
  3. The complete Java and Android development course
  4. Object Oriented PHP with CMS project
  5. Complete Python Masterclass
  6. Learn to code with Ruby
  7. The compete Ruby on rails course
  8. The Complete Nodejs Developer Course (2nd Edition)
  9. Advanced JavaScript
  10. Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide

As pointed out you can click on this link and search for your own desired course. Make sure to stick with highly rated, top selling courses.

Limited Offer: Pay using Ecocash

This offer to pay via Ecocash has expired but you can still take advantage of the discount using your own Visa/MasterCard/PayPal.

For a limited time I will be helping those who want to use Ecocash to pay for Udemy courses. The offer is going to be on a first come first serve basis and once I have run out of funds this message will be crossed out. To get in touch please email me garikaib (at) Gmail dot com. You will need to reconstruct my email of course.

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