Coaching, Mentorship and Organizational Development Conference 2018: You Need It!

Dimensions Consulting Mentorship and Organisational Development Conference

Growth is one very fundamental aspect of life, hence the quote by William S. Burroughs which says “When you stop growing you start dying.”

It is any organisation or company’s main objective to grow, whichever way each of these defines its growth, the bottom line is it’s growth. Nonetheless, what we often miss is that an organisation/company’s growth is entirely dependent on the growth of the individuals/workers within that organisation/company hence the need to continuously invest in the improvement of those individuals.

A company called Dimensions Management Consultants gives organisations the opportunity to grow by enabling capability development, consultancy, and employee resourcing services. Also in a bid to fulfill the same mandate, Dimensions Management Consultants provides training courses for employees ranging from 2 day courses to 40 day courses.

However, apart from providing these short courses and all, Dimensions Management Consultants has put together a Coaching, Mentorship and Organizational Development conference aimed at “equipping leaders for sustainable performance and ensuring that the Going Concern principle is confirmed and ratified for organisations”.

In case you’re wondering, the Going Concern principle is the assumption that an entity will remain in business for the foreseeable future, meaning that the entity will not be forced to stop its operations in order to liquidate its assets at a low price just so they survive.

Dimensions runs this conference annually and this is the fourth edition. Companies that have participated in these conferences include  National Foods Ltd, TSL Group, Brands Africa, Pick n Pay, Zimsec, Zimnat, Seedco Group, NSSA, UZ -UCSF, etc.  And by the way, Dimensions hosts the Founding Fellow and Research Advisor at Harvard Maclean (USA)’s Institute of Coaching.

This year, the conference is running under the theme: Coaching and Mentorship For Sustainable Performance and will be taking place from the 1st to the 2nd of March 2018 at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare. The main objectives of the conference are as follows:

1. To create leaders who are focused on Coaching and Mentorship for effective performance
2. Trigger Organizations to develop and sustain performance through structured coaching and mentorship
3. To enhance leadership engagement in organizations for effective delivery of strategic results
4. To stir organizations through break through OD strategies for sustainable performance
5. To develop a cadre of leaders who can drive results through coaching, mentorship and OD Strategies

To meet these objectives, Dimensions has divided the theme into a number mainly: Raising Your Levels Of Leadership Consciousness To Develop High Performing Teams; Leveraging Organisational Culture For Strategy Execution; “Richard Barrett’s Seven Levels Of Consciousness For Leaders”; Coaching To Develop Wisdom From Experience; Building Organisational Resilience Through Employee Engagement and Creating a Mentoring Culture.

Tickets cost $300 which covers the training, conference facilities and meals for the whole conference. For more information you can check out their website here, or download the brochure here… or alternatively contact any of the following:


+263 782 704 968, +263 772 223 243
+263 242 778 671, +263 242 778 672
+263 861 128 2459, +263 861 128 6126


You can also download the Coaching, Mentorship & OD Conference 2018 Registration Form here.

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