Governmental Scholarship Applications For 2018-19 In Progress. You May Want To Study In India

TCFL students graduating

To every student out there who was struggling to further their studies due to financial challenges, beginning to think that the dream of probably being the first to graduate in the family was dead, an opportunity could be available now.

The government has invited applications for Graduate, Post Graduate and PhD courses under the Presidential Scholarships Programme for 2018/19.

The Minister of State for Government Scholarships in the Office of the President and Cabinet Dr Christopher Mushohwe (yes there is a minister for that) made the announcement recently  saying the scholarships will be offered under the Africa Scholarship Scheme by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). The minister indicated that the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has offered scholarships to Zimbabwe under the Africa Scholarship Scheme for the academic year 2018-2019.

Mushohwe emphasized that the scholarships were open to willing individuals but do not include Medical, Paramedical (Nursing/ Physiotherapy/Anaesthesia) and Fashion courses.

The minister  encouraged applications to be made directly on . This is a good initiative for Zimbabweans to be offered an opportunity to study, however, will all applications be made on line? One hopes there won’t be some nepotism going on offline, yes one hopes!

For instance I know a lady who was awarded a presidential scholarship yet she did not meet the requirements. What would be the case then? She probably had a relative in the ministry, but does that mean this is to the exclusion of others who are more deserving?

The minister also advised that the scholarships included living allowance, allowance for rent, contingent grant and return economy class fare to the nearest international airport and train fare to the place of study in India.  Mushohwe said:

The students may refer to Universities Handbook or the Universities Grants Commission’s website, or the concerned institute’s website for eligibility criteria.

He explained that it was very important for one to note that ICCR provides scholarships only for courses in Central or State Government Universities which have been approved by University Grants Commission. He said the list of universities where ICCR scholars are usually studying is available on the ICCR website

How are these scholarships any different from the other presidential scholarships that where offered under Mugabe? You might remember five Zimbabwean students enrolled at the University of Johannesburg under the Presidential Scholarship Scheme were stranded in South Africa after they were turned away presumably for non-payment of fees.

Who would want a scholarship that will leave you stranded in a foreign country because our government is broke to pay? Wouldn’t you be the talk of the town that you always default on fees payments?. Do we trust these government scholarships? Would you take the risk of going out of the country under a Zimbabwe presidential scholarships? It’s tricky.

However, India is not a bad destination for tertiary studies particularly when it’s technology and engineering programmes. The Indian government invested in these fields decades ago and the investment is paying off. Indian engineers and tech professionals are being sought out all over the world. Also it is important for Zimbabweans to get exposure from a country that was where we are not so long ago and in many ways still is but somehow making progress, good progress.

 Applicants for a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E)/Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) courses were advised to have obtained a pass grade in physics, chemistry and mathematics at A-level, which is mandatory for engineering courses.

Mushohwe also released information on scholarship programmes offered by Vlir-ous in Flanders (Belgium) which he said for more information applicants were supposed to go to, Also he gave information to reach the programme officer, Ragna Frans, on or


22 responses

  1.  Avatar

    how do l apply for the scholarship because l do not see any application form there

    1. Treshboldmac Musundire Avatar
      Treshboldmac Musundire
    2. Mitchell Chisadza Avatar
      Mitchell Chisadza

      My name is Mitchell Chisadza i studied my A level in 2017 doing Arts and managed to get 10 points .I really want to proceed with my education but my single mother can not afford .Is there any chance that I can get a scholarship and fulfill my dreams of studying Social work abroad

  2.  Avatar

    I really wish to go studying in India bt the application process isn’t simple to me

  3. Nomthandazo Ncube Avatar
    Nomthandazo Ncube

    My niece has been doing Arts and she got 13 points is there an undergraduate course that she can enrol for, she was thinking of law

  4. simbarashe Dube Avatar
    simbarashe Dube

    My name is Simbarashe Dube . I wrote my A’level last year 2017 and managed to get 14 points with A’s in Accounting and Geography and a B in Business Studies . I wish to further my studies by doing a degree in Accounting but am financially disabled . How can i apply for the presidential scholarship because am finding it difficult to access the application form . Any help will be much appreciated

    cell: +263775675716
    email :

    Thank you

  5.  Avatar

    My name is Melissa Mhlanga did my A level last in 2017 and got 15 points in accounting mathematics and business studies.Unfortunately I can proceed with my studies because of financial challenges anyone who is willing to help can contact me on +263777040354

  6. Ngonidzashe Mapfidza Avatar
    Ngonidzashe Mapfidza

    My name is Ngonidzashe Mapfidza l did mu A level in 2016 and got 13 points in history, divinity and geography. Unfortunately the financial crises pause me to further my education. Any form of help is greatly appreciated on +263 0776649873

  7. Bright Walter Mudzitiri Avatar
    Bright Walter Mudzitiri

    I a in need of a scholarship l have just ended my Advanced Level 2017my family failed to provide funds for me to continue my career.l got 12 points.As a result for my future to be bright scholatship is the only thing which can open new world for me you may contact me on +263 779 7864 09.for more information.

  8. Munashe Avatar

    Hie my name is munashe. I finished my A level in 2017 . I did divinity.history and literature .i got 10 points. I am a orphan .both my parents died. When i was just young .so the person that has been paying for my fees says she can not handle it anymore because she earns peanuts and she has a family to feed too. I really wish to further my education and fond for myself. Ive applied for countless scholarships but nothing comes out. If anyone wishes to help pliz contact me at 0783813022…

  9. gamuchirai Avatar

    did my a lvls and got 10points in maths bio and chemistry,,I need of schorlarship ,,am orphaned now am stuck no fees for me to proceed

  10. Christabell Avatar

    My name is Christabell did my A level last year 2017 but I wasn’t going to school I was studying on my own at home and managed to write and got 9 points which shows that if I had gotten the opportunity to attend class it would have been extremely well.I did Arts as a combination which includes History Divinity and Literature.Need help to further my studies

  11. tendai simon Avatar
    tendai simon

    i’m tendai simon.did history divinity and
    geograph.i’m in need of such a help like a scholarship
    i’m in dispair to whether i will escape
    this financial challenge.i got 13points

  12. Tinashe Avatar

    Finished A levels in 2017
    Got 15 points, financial crisis
    Prob is these online scholar applications prove to be difficult
    Haven’t been lucky enough yet

  13. Takudzwa Gandanhamo Avatar
    Takudzwa Gandanhamo

    hi… there a postal application for the ICCR scholarship programme ,and if there is what is the deadline for application in Zimbabwe for 2018/2019

  14. Blessing Kaitano Avatar
    Blessing Kaitano

    I am aged 19. I wrote my A level exams in 2017 and passed with 11 points.

    Accounting A
    Business studies A
    Mathematics E

    In 2015, I passed o level exams (zimsec) with 8 s and 2 Bs.I live in Nyanga. Please help me get a scholarships.l dont know how to apply

  15. Silungile Ncube Avatar
    Silungile Ncube

    Hie my name is Silungile Ncube I wrote my A level exams in 2017 and got 8 points in Mathematics Physics and Chemistry. I am looking for a scholarship please help

  16. Moyo Lizzygirl Avatar
    Moyo Lizzygirl

    My name is Lizzygirl Moyo.I did my A level last year 2017 and I managed to get 12 points in history literature and Ndebele but due to my underprivileged family I am unable to further my studies.Anyone who is willing to assist me may contact me on+236775331479 God bless you

  17. Michelle S Muza Avatar
    Michelle S Muza

    My name is Michelle Muza. I wrote my A level in 2017 and l scored 14 points in Shona History Geography. I am an orphan so l am unable to proceed with my studies. I am looking for a scholarship please help contact me on 0717659130

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