Kwese Partner Threatening To Report Econet Media (Kwese) To Anti Corruption Commission

Douglas Mboweni Kwese Launch

It came to light that Kwese might not be licensed to broadcast in Zimbabwe because they had cut their relationship with their licensed Broadcasting Partner. The important question to ask is that how is Kwese still available in Zimbabwe if they no longer have a partner that is licensed to broadcast in Zimbabwe? Are they licensed themselves?

According to Nyasha Muzavazi, the Executive Chairman of Dr Dish, Econet Media is breaking the law:

What I can only say as an Industry player is that, there is no provision in the Broadcasting Services Act Chapter 12:06 for anyone to operate a Broadcasting Service without a License. Erecting of Broadcasting Apparatus at households in Zimbabwe by Kwese without a License is illegal and a criminal offence in terms of the Broadcasting Services Act .Operating of a Broadcasting Services called Kwese without a valid License is illegal in Zimbabwe. As Dr Dish we are still consulting our lawyers and will take appropriate action as would be advised, which may include taking the matter to ZACC for investigations.

The point he raises is valid in that all the drama that accompanied the coming of Kwese into Zimbabwe made it clear that Kwese could not broadcast into Zimbabwe without a license and they were using Dr Dish’s license. How then a few months later could they break up with Dr Dish and still be legally broadcasting?

We reached out to Econet Media (Kwese) expecting them to get back to us with their side of the story by 12 noon yesterday. They then responded much later advising that they would definitely respond with their official position by end of day latest yesterday. We still don’t have that side of the story and we will publish it when we receive it.

Techzim also reached out to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Media and Broadcasting Services, George Charamba and he was too busy to discuss Kwese. Currently this ministry doesn’t have a minister.

Reaching out to the ministry was important because the Herald quoted Econet Media as having said they were operating with some kind of a permit issued by the government. About that permit, Muzavazi said:

We have however taken note that the permit Wazara is talking about was issued on or before 10th November 2017 by the previous government illegally as a clear criminals abuse of office by a public officer(s). I have confidence that the no nonsense Administration of H.E E.D Mnangagwa will get to the bottom of the issue and revoke any such illegal instrument.

It looks like Dr Dish is already gearing up to be a competitor to Kwese or more accurately succesor to Kwese in Zimbabwe. They anticipate that the government will stop Kwese for operating without a license. The Dr Dish guy who is currently in Miami USA attending a broadcasting industry and content creators forum, NATPE told us:

We have put in place all mechanism for our valuable clients to continue enjoying their viewing ,of even better, more and affordable channels. I remember that last time, government stopped such a similar move was the Gotv saga and the over 40 000 subscribers were migrated to DStV. We are ready to continue saving the innocent Zimbabweans who are being connected illegally by Kwese .

We are rolling out Tele-Learning , Tele-Farming, and Tele-Religion in addition to the traditional broadcasting for entertainment

We also have a program for independent, producers ,artists and media practitioners in Zimbabwe as we move towards creating more employment and wealth for thousands, through our brand BOSTV, “more than just television

The above quotes give the impression that as far as Dr Dish is concerned there is no Kwese in Zimbabwe anymore and they are preparing to fill the remaining vacuum. He in fact says he is acquiring more content:

I am attending NATPE 2018 in Miami ,to acquire Channels for our customers who may be affected in the event that the Baz or the Government through the law enforcement agents move to stop Kwese from continuous broadcasting without a License.

I don’t think it’s that simple though. There are a lot of angles to this story and we do hope that Econet Media will respond soon as well as the ministry of media. Let’s take out the popcorn…



14 responses

  1. JamesM Avatar

    Whoever this Dr Dish impostor is, does he or she have a brand and image comparable to Kwese? I somehow doubt it but probably think he wanted to extort Kwese’s brand by virtue of having a license, and Kwese would have none of it. And on what grounds was this Dr Dish fellow awarded a license in the first place ??? Kwese has the resources and ability to offer quality TV content that makes DSTV cut their prices. And Kwese is a multinational outfit available elsewhere on the continent. Besides, Kwese beams their channels from satellite, so physically one can’t prevent their TV content reaching everyone pointed to by transponders. Hence the name ‘Kwese’, I suppose. Cut the crap and issue Kwese a license so they can bring jobs and support livelihoods in the country, something I doubt Dr Dish and other impostors would be able to do.

    1. tinm@n Avatar

      Are you sure you know what imposter means?

      1. JamesM Avatar

        Definitely do. Any hangers-on, sucker, you name it from a past dispensation who stifles progress or stands in the way of business and economic innovators, deserves any derisive label one can conjure up. Deal with it.

  2. Zimbo Avatar

    All these years holding on to a license and suddenly he is ready to provide service. This sounds very cheap and imposterish

  3.  Avatar

    If this is true Mr Dish is trying to muscle in on KWESE, after KWESE has done all the work, treachery.

  4. Pedro Goro Avatar
    Pedro Goro

    “…….illegally as a clear criminals abuse of office by a public officer(s). I have confidence that the no nonsense Administration of H.E E.D Mnangagwa will get to the bottom of the issue and revoke any such illegal instrument”

    kkkkkkkkkkkk, seka zvako!

  5. Munyaradzi J Sampunga Avatar
    Munyaradzi J Sampunga

    ln a nutshell, Dr Dish whom l think is owned by some govt official is trying to copy-paste Kwesé or should l say have it shut down instead of competing..

    just so you know, people don’t care about “tele-religion/ tele-farming/ show for some producers. fr whats next telemundo please!! dr dish sounded like dstv. tryna lure us with some weak ass. We want shank tank level.

    l chose Kwesé for what it is. Trying to educate Africa. For rep Africa. Thats my 2 cents

  6. Strive Avatar

    Who is Dr Dish?

  7. bvccv Avatar

    first off kwese used Dr dish to launch so its business and in sohe way Dr dish signed something that means they get a hell of a check
    actually Dr dish saga is good cz it can lead to it being like other countries where a person a. utilise an existing network to launch a TV station without getting g a license or investing in infrastructure when I just want 1 channel

  8. Joshua Avatar

    @Mr Muzavazi…..”..I am attending NATPE 2018 in Miami ,to acquire Channels for our customers who may be affected in the event that the Baz or the Government through the law enforcement agents move to stop Kwese from continuous broadcasting without a License…” Thats an unfortunate statement from a person i thought to be a strategic manager. Just one lesson we must learn in life is, if you want to build a business with loyal customers, you dont build it basing on the ‘downfall’ of other players & expect to grow. Instead, strategic managers know and welcome competition as it it gives consumers “more options”.

  9. wokenman Avatar

    Please can you do some research on the multitudes of Zimbabwean Churches that have channels on FTA satellites these days. Ezekiel TV, Miracle TV Emmanuel TV Yadah TV Dunamis and may more. What exactly is their legal position? Coz I’m pretty sure they DON’T have BAZ licences but they have been “broadcasting” the same way Kwese does (ie via satellite – which isn’t technically broadcasting IN ZIMBABWE) for years. Surely the law should treat both the same?

    1. Tinashe Nyahasha Avatar
      Tinashe Nyahasha

      Interesting question. Passing this along to colleagues to pick up
      Thank you

  10. Tambu Avatar

    My humble advice to Dish & company is if he wants to build a big brand with customer loyalty & sympathy, he must desist from all this ‘Smear’ campaign & stops talking too much for now. It’s self destructive. Astitute leaders speak less and deliver more. I quote “I am attending NATPE 2018 in Miami ,to acquire Channels for our customers who may be affected in the event that the Baz or the Government through the law enforcement agents move to stop Kwese” It sounds wrong

  11. Wilbert Mafoti Avatar
    Wilbert Mafoti

    Dr Dish I can see your business idea is very shallow, how can u dream the closure of kwese? Bcz they have terminated partnership wt u then u say baz must stop them. Fellow brother allow competition that will make us grow as country.

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