African Development Bank Could Go With You To Korea Just For Writing Your Dream Of Africa

Typing on laptop

Every year the African Development Bank (AfDB) holds what they call their annual meetings to bring together business, governments, civil society, academia and media people to discuss and debate on African development issues and to discuss the performance of the AfDB itself.

This year’s annual meeting will be held in Busan Korea from 22 to 25 May. The theme is, “Accelerating Africa’s Industrialisation.” This is one of the bank’s High 5 strategic objectives.

To celebrate this theme this year and to capture the AfDB’s focus on youth as the main architects of the industrialisation that Africa needs, the African Development Bank is running a writing competition in which the four winners will get to attend the Bushan meeting all expenses paid.

Participants must be between the ages of 20 and 29 on the 31st of May 2018. Applicants can be professional media persons or amateur writers. These will compete on two different tracks in which two winners will be crowned respectively. The essay submitted must be unpublished and it should be no longer than 1000 words.

The name of the contest and hence the subject of the essay is, “The Africa of my dreams.” It should be around the following topics which are all tech related:

  • Smart Cities and Urban Development
  • The Internet of Things
  • Agriculture as a Business
  • 4th Industrial Revolution
  • ICTs and the video game industry
  • Inclusive and sustainable industrial development
  • Integrating Africa through Entertainment
  • Blockchain and cryptocurrency
  • The future of entrepreneurship
  • Health innovation

Winners will also receive laptops and the runners up will receive tablets.

If you want to participate you should also submit proof of age i.e a passport or ID copy. Here are the other rules for the contest.

Submission of applications started on the 22nd of February and will end a minute before midnight on the 26th of March. To submit your application follow this link. All the best.

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