New App Gives Zim Citizens Ability To Report Faults, Potholes And Such Throughout The Country

A recently released application, CityPin allows users to post and track faults and incidents within metros.

The app description reads:

Bring a change to your community. Simply pin it.

CityPin reconnects people by using the power of mobile technology to allow concerned citizens to make each other aware of issues and problems in the place they are living, working and cultivating. CityPin is about you the citizen.

This app is a product of KURB KINGS. KURB KINGS wants to help you make a difference. One city at a time. We specialize in creative solutions for everyday problems through a variety of approaches. We are most geared towards nurturing/encouraging meaningful and effective community engagement.



Users have either an anonymous account or the option to sign in using their Email address. Users can report :

  • Power Outages
  • Faulty Power Lines
  • Burst Pipe
  • Faulty traffic lights
  • Potholes
  • Traffic congestions
CityPin Download Link


The Map where all the pins containing faults appear
CityPin Menu
Pin reporting the pothole situation along Seke Rd

This application is a positive initiative and hopefully, city councils throughout the countries will use the application to attend to the complaints of Citizens.

Tell us what you think of this app in the comments

* The CityPin App appears to only be available on the Android Store at this moment


  1. The Junta Is Failling

    G40 yatanga.

    1. boph’ijambo

      lolz! are they selling out?

  2. Ash

    Nice thing there jus didn’t finish the article

  3. Fafi

    It’s one thing to report issues, but is there anyone on the other end?

  4. Clifford

    Its a great initiative however we need to add a feature of “resolved” status as to show the progress or response made by the relevant authority. Otherwise, we need to encourage such apps in our country

    1. eyetoeye

      Tell that to city of harare

      1. Farai Mudzingwa

        Pakaipa !

    2. Farai Mudzingwa

      Yeah, a resolved status feature would be great, It will also be interesting to see whether the pins disappear from the Map after a problem is solved!

  5. Itai mumanikidzwa

    Love it at least the government will do smtgin bout this thanks for this app

  6. Vuyo

    Hi i am the owner of the app.

    In response to the comments; Pining is just the start. Our goal is to actually get things fixed. We understand what some users mean when they ask what happens after.

    All pins will be tracked. Time taken to fix issues will be recorded. Users will be notified when things are fixed. It’s part of the features we are developing.

    We also have systems that councils can use that will ensure proper serivice delivery. We will be involved in ensuring this app is used properly and achieves its goal.

    CityPin is more accurate. More up-to-date and we want that Zimbabweans get used to seeing issues and reporting. That’s the first step. This app removes excuses. If we don’t highlight issues no matter how obvious, nothing will be addressed. This is the philosophy behind the app.

    The fastest way to get government to use this is if we all use it. As citizens we need to be aggressive . if we want change we have to show it. This platform is designed specifically for you. It gives you a voice. Only people can make it work.

    1. Faiz

      Windows store?

      1. Farai Mudzingwa


    2. Ngoni Shumba

      Vuyo, how can i get intouch with you?

    3. Stanley Muchemedzi

      Hi Voyu

      I sent you an email at , could please kindly view it and respond

      1. Vuyo

        Good Evening

        My apologies for responding so late. I have been having email issues.
        I have not yet received your email. Do you mind sending it again?

  7. Ngoni Shumba

    Hi Vuyo, I love this app please may you get in-touch with me. Email me on please

    1. Vuyo

      Thank you for getting in contact. I will email you

  8. Stanley Muchemedzi

    the application is surely a call to action to the city fathers and other authorities to be responsive to people needs

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