Econet Introduces Bud-e, A Chatbot To Help With Enquiries

Econet has just introduced a chatbot that users can interact with on via Facebook Messenger. The bot is called Bud-e and can help users with :

  • EcoCash Pin Resets
  • PUK Request
  • Internet Settings
  • EcoCash Reversals and More

Before Bud-E can serve you, it(Chatbots have no gender right?) will walk you through a verification process and check your Number, and ID Number before giving a number of options to chose from.

Verification process
More verification
Finally we get to chat with Bud-E
Some of the options

Bud-e also has a host of other features which include

  • Ability to buy electricity through EcoCash
  • Redirect you to other affiliates and partners such as Kwese, Steward, Zol, Cummi etc.
  • Direct you to Econet shops

I guess this is a great way to help customers who need service since sometimes the call centres are overloaded.

What do you think about Bud-e? Will you be chatting with it anytime soon?


16 responses

  1. Rosemary Avatar

    And they think this will work…..I called their Msasa office today…no luck you get put thru this voice message that goes of for life. ..and no response. …but people are being paid for not dealing with Customers. frustrating. …

    1. Save Chuma Avatar
      Save Chuma

      Great innovation indeed.Spot on @econetzimbabwe. Leading always

    2. Save Chuma Avatar
      Save Chuma

      Its working already. I have just tried it and its flowless

  2. Js Avatar

    Useless customer service, i have never been answered on their help desk, either 111 or ecocash helpdesk. Had to end up travelling all the way into town to have my issues resolved

    1. Mupari Avatar

      endawo pa facebook page or twitter handle yavo urege kutadzisa vanambuya varikumusha kushandisa 111. The call centre is overwhelmed with a subscriber base of more than 6 million. If each call they take is 5mins long then each call centre agent can handle 12 calls per hour. Suppose there are 100 agents then it means in a day 111 will be able to handle 29000 calls chete, pavhanu 6million. Do your part not to congest it

  3. Sifanele Dlamini Avatar
    Sifanele Dlamini

    Did anyone try the Bud e. Comments above seem to deal with call centre the article is on an AI that has been introduced

    1.  Avatar

      people just seem to hate progress . focusing on wrong things ..its the bud e we talking about not call center hhahahaha

  4. Champion Garwe Avatar
    Champion Garwe

    I think it’s a brilliant innovation. Econet is definitely an innovative company, they’ve embraced AI and it’s great to see this happening in Zim. Well done Econet and thanks for the article Techzim

  5. Roy Chengeto Avatar
    Roy Chengeto

    Well done Econet.This is very good and its clear you are responding to our needs.You are really inspired to change our world..Aluta continuia..

  6. Kundishora Kufandada Avatar
    Kundishora Kufandada

    Interesting development from Econet. Well done on the intiative. We need to embrace technology! Im definitely going to give it a go.

  7. Shirly Avatar

    Hatisi kutaura nezve call centre, some people u seem so uptight with changes in technology. I highly think it’s a great innovation. Vakachangamukira vanhu ava.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Interesting innovation , no complaints after getting quick assistance online via chatbot.

  9. Mdue Avatar

    Wow, great innovation right there, another first from the pioneers. Taking customer services to a whole new level.

  10.  Avatar

    Econet inspired to change your world for sure. The number 1 network.

  11. Felex Chivave Avatar
    Felex Chivave

    This is a great innovation which will go a long way in terms of customer service online. its giving customers the power to do what they want and when they feel like doing it without an interface of human factor which seemed to be a challenge is so far as Call centres are concerned. making it available on Facebook is also a plus since most of us have access to social media bundles.

  12. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    It’s nice to have “innovation”, but it needs to be implemented properly. Why is the bot requesting mobile numbers and id numbers before I’ve even started to do anything?

    In this day an age of increased privacy and security concerns, a website, app or bot should only request for information it absolutely needs to get the job at hand done. Your ID number and mobile number aren’t need to get Ecocash USSD codes or Data Bundle rates.

    And, what if you aren’t an Econet customer?

    And, was mighty disappointed that the ID number cannot be entered in one go.

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