University of Zimbabwe, UZ, education, school, Presidential and National Scholarships

UZ To Introduce New Engineering Degree

The University of Zimbabwe is expected to introduce a new Honours Degree in Automotive Engineering.The program will be an addition to UZ’s School of Engineering which currently offers 7 engineering degree programs which include Civil, Metallurgical, and Mechanical Engineering among others.

Why UZ is introducing the program

The university’s Vice-Chancellor, Levi Nyagura, indicated the move is being made in a bid to reduce the money spent on car-related imports. He noted that the cars assembled locally are way too expensive and out of the reach of most citizens, Especially when compared to second-hand imports from other markets like Japan. So the introduction of this program helps lower costs in the local automotive industry.

Nyagura also said the introduction of the program was made in line with UZ’s vision, which is “to offer top-notch degree programmes that are relevant to the situation in present-day Zimbabwe and beyond.”

When will it be implemented

UZ is yet to announce when the program will actually be introduced. The impact of such a program will obviously be felt in the long-term, maybe even a few years after the first classes to enroll have graduated.

With South Africa and Nigeria automotive industries struggling it will be interesting to see how Zimbabwe, which has significantly fewer people, will fare in the automotive industry as the government has been thinking of banning second-hand imports.

I think the introduction of this degree programme comes as good news to those who harbor an interest in that particular field. What do you make of UZ’s move? Let’s talk in the comments below.


  1. Zwe Simela

    Good move, but I think it will work more towards producing well-qualified entrepreneurs in the Automotive Engineering industry (your regular car mech)as well as exported human capital and of course contribute a trickle towards our industry. All the same it’s good for Zimbabwe to keep up with world developments and have knowledge of the auto Industry. With all this ex-Japs coming in and computer-box cars, some has to know how to PROPERLY repair them, and eventually dispose of/ recyc;e them once they are obsolete.

    Which begs the question: Does our Governments have plans of how they’ll dispose of these vehicles? Or they’ll simply ship them back to Asia at low cost to be recycled as they do with our iron?

    • TheKing

      I think you are mistaking automotive engineering with motor mechanics. Automotive engineering deals with designing and manufacturing of cars. Motor mechanics is a trade that deals with repair and maintenance of these cars. I might be wrong, but currently, automotive engineering is non-existent in Zim.

  2. Anon

    Goood move itd b great if they emphasise also on electric mobility since recent trends show an inclination towards that field fo instance china’s initiative to get rid of combustion engines it would b great for it to pioneer this field in Africa like Ghana in the aerospace sector

    • Zwe Simela

      Very true, it would be great to concentrate in pioneering new fields, rather than try to “catch up” with the rest of the world.

  3. Sagitarr

    The timing of this announcement is very poor, the VC (Nyagura) was recently arraigned in the courts for awarding a PHD irregularly. That on its own is an indication of low UZ standards have fallen. Now the same VC proclaims the introduction of a new curriculum – automotive engineering. How bona fide will this programme be given the corruption levels at this university? Will the graduates be able to design vehicles to international standards and maintain the same? We are talking high levels of safety standards here and the ability to accept responsibility & accountability for design/manufacturing faults & oversights.
    Ordinarily one would be very excited about this development but suppose the VC still wants to maintain a semblance of relevance given his “fall from grace”?

  4. Mtombeni Lovemore

    It’s an effort to divert people’s attention. We Zimbos are very skilful at that. Incompetent graduates, most of who relied on cheating, litter our streets. It’s just a money-spinning venture, realizing that their cash cow will soon dry up

  5. Anonymous

    We will be just like our old brothers and sisters after graduating, selling airtime.Good idea but we don’t have the resources, we will suffer, I am a qualified class auto electrician, but hakuna mabasa, kwakuzoti ndava engineer in this country with not even one vehicle manufacturing company. Maybe it will work elsewhere not Zimbabwe

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