[Press Release] Chief Digital Officers – Business Transformers of the Digital Era

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Rapid technological developments have essentially transformed businesses, creating opportunities and threats for both, new and mature firms. Organisations are increasingly looking to make sure that their business strategies are underpinned by the right technologies. It comes as no surprise then that senior industry executives have been calling for the creation of a new C-level role – namely Chief Digital Officer (CDO) – a digital transformation evangelist who would take responsibility for all things digital. While their enthusiasm to embrace a digital agenda should be commended, it opens up an interesting debate.  

The chief digital officer is set to become a key position in business, according to the latest research from analyst Gartner. As per third annual Gartner chief data officer survey, the number of organisations implementing an office of the CDO has increased by 47%, compared with 23% fully implemented in 2016. Gartner said there has been a steady increase in the number of CDOs since 2016 – 57% in 2017 compared with 50% in 2016.

There is a need for organizations to address the change in business scenarios, dynamic business demands and innovate ways to quickly cater to these changing needs. Pervasive connectivity, cheaper and more powerful computing power, and variations in the behavior of digitally connected customers are shaping a new digital era.

Given this global phenomenon of digital transformation and how a CDO is instrumental to this wave, UMS Conferences has been organizing CDO Conclave in the Middle East for the past 2 years which has received unparalleled response from various industry stakeholders. Given the success we have received in the Middle East and North African markets, we now present the 4th edition of CDO Conclave to be held 7th and 8th of May, 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The summit aims at providing a better understanding of how digitization impacts each department and process in an organization and how the CDO aligns C-level executives for a common purpose. This year’s key speakers include Setotolwane Joe Phago, CIO, National Treasury, Republic of South Africa; Unathi Mtya, CIO, Parliament, Republic of South Africa; Paulina Klotzbucher, Chief Digital Officer, Travelstart; Martin Grunewald, Chief Payments Officer (Acting), BankservAfrica; Bryan Nelson, Sector Lead: Finance, Retail, Travel, Google; Channan Sawhney, Global Head- Digital Marketing, Tata Global Beverages; Jason Piesl, Head Point of Sale, IS Executive & Senior Solutions Architect, Pick n Pay; Priya Thakoor, Head-Digital Strategy & Commercialisation, ABSA and many more.


About UMS Conferences:

The wholly owned subsidiary of UMS International a multinational media company and publisher of Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East, UMS Conferences is the global leader with several summits, conferences, awards and strategic forums which attracts the world’s brightest mind and most influential decision-makers.

UMS Conferences presents an extensive portfolio of industry-leading and stimulating summits, conferences, awards and expos around the world. Known for building platforms which create value and deliver an unmatched delegate experience, UMS events offer premium branding as well as networking opportunities for partners.

With flagship events like UAE India Economic Forum, Arab IPO Summit, CDO Conclave SME Banking Egypt, New Age Banking Summit, our events attract a high caliber of delegates, speakers and partners, who value the knowledge that our events offer. Aligning with our events is a powerful way to engage with this high profile audience and reinforce your expertise and credibility.

Sources: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450431377/Chief-data-officer-role-is-key-to-business-success-says-Gartner

Media Contact:

Apeksha Verma | Marketing – UMS Conferences

E: apeksha@umsconferences.com | www.cdoconclave.com



One response

  1. Sagitarr Avatar

    I have never really been a “title” addict, being of the opinion that some titles are over-rated (just like business suits – even murderers and drug dealers wear them before being sentenced in court). I wonder what it means to be in “charge of all things digital”? This domain is so large it covers all aspects of hardware to all aspects of software one will wonder what sort of qualifications would be required for such a job. Would this CDO report to the CTO for instance? or the COO?…and if this a job to handle transformation, isn’t it a fanciful title for a BPR Officer?

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