We have already updated that 188 startups applied to receive financing from the government (POTRAZ) Innovation Fund and six of them were successful.
Here is a list of who they are:
- Oyos
- Purple Signs
- Shift Organic Technologies
- Red Pen
- Afrimom
- Nativ Project
We will obviously give you a more detailed update on who these startups are and what they are up to. We will talk about how much they applied for, how much they received and how they are going to deploy those funds.
Be free to tell us what you know about these startups if you know them. I know Oyos…
15 responses
Purple Signs
Shift Organic Technologies
Its a step in the right direction.
Innovation is the best way we can succeed as a nation, in a competitive environment like the one we live in now some Government Ministries need to eliminated some bureaucratic tendencies when it comes to adoption of new and emerging technologies. I for one made a technical proposal at the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education some years back, I’m still waiting for the response, I can imagine the damn document has gathered significant layers of dust now.
iyo redpen was stolen from http://flequesboard.com but who cares.
What criteria was used to award them.
This is it? The best we can do? The sign language one and maybe the online music store(copyright and licenses troubles coming I’m sure) are quite innovative in terms of Zim standards but that is it?
A school management system? And it’s hard to tell what the others do. The Afrimoms provides info that already exists, what else are they about besides that?
I am a tad let down by both the selected start-ups and the level of technological progress.
None of these apps have done anything new by Zimbabwean or global standards at all.
ICT in Zimbabwe.
What was your submission?
I didn’t hear about the submissions. I must have been out in remote areas.
I’d have pushed my Health and Education projects.
I think it’s important to support each other, every idea deserves a chance – yours will come too. Collaboration is key to abundance – then we can compete after we’ve saturated our local atmosphere 🙂
The NatiV Project: http://mynativ.com
Helps children (including dyslexics) learn to read and write (associate letters to sounds, and shape letters).
…in their mother tongue…
Thank you. This seems useful too. I’ll follow it.
Thanks Van Lee. Would love to learn more about your Health and Education products.
You can go to Google Play Store and search for *Zimsec*. All the apps that start with Zimsec are mine.
The health projects are still breaking the ground.