Econet Responds To Network Challenges

Econet Logo at their HQ, tethering hotspot

Yesterday, some Econet subscribers were facing problems accessing even the most basic of network features. When we published yesterday’s article we were waiting for a response from Econet and now we have got one;

Econet Wireless regrets the network disruptions experienced for data and voice services last night. The problem, which occurred in some parts of the country, has since been rectified. Econet sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused to its valued customers.

What was the problem?

We asked for a little more detail but they were not in a position to disclose so we are not really sure what exactly was the problem or actual scale of the problem itself. The statement also doesn’t speak of USSD codes and we are not sure if that is covered under voice or data services.

For Econet subscribers; are you still having challenges with any of the services, or are you among those who were never affected to begin with? Would love to know your experience in the comments below.


11 responses

  1. Mayenziwe Avatar

    LOL. Thank you for the tip to try Telecel or Telone

  2. ThinkBig Avatar

    mine was fixed last night around 10pm apa yaramba kubva masikati kuma3pm.

  3. Charity Avatar

    U could not top up all the USSD were not working.. and calling was a dissaster

  4. David Carroll Avatar
    David Carroll

    I have been trying to download the Ecocash app on my new phone without success as I am told that I cannot have the app on 2 devices. I approached Econet on the 2nd March and they claim it had been resolved. As off the 5th April nothing has happened and I cannot get a satisfactory answer. HELP !

  5. Tom Johns Avatar
    Tom Johns

    Refunds take long to be effected and the procedure for refunds is too cumbersome.

    1. Wakatumwa Avatar

      It’s what they make us believe because we do not demand performance from these service providers. I once raised hell with one bank and I was refunded within an hour from that time I have no complication getting refunds.

  6. SHIBOBO Avatar

    Econet have become very arrogant and they do not care about consumers. One wonders where the consumer council is. In fact, Econet/Ecocash are reaping off consumers through numerous uncompleted transactions even though the funds would have been deducted from the account. While refunds take too long and the process cumbersome, the transaction charges are not refunded. So how much money is Econet/Ecocash making from all this at the expense of the consumers???

  7. Ginger Avatar

    econet always apologies but we do not get any compensation even if we get it will be nothing compared to our loss

  8.  Avatar

    Apologies are well and good. But one must be reimbursed. I bought data a week ago and within 3 hours it was gone!!! And I had not even used it!!!! Money doesn’t grow on trees econet.

  9. chitovanedzevamwe Avatar

    many times through econet never get the tokens or refund.111 is a big joke

  10. Arnold Avatar

    Having network problems past 3 weeks

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