Econet Network Down? Not Really But A Number Of Subscribers Affected

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, Econet Logo, Zimbabwean telecoms, Zimbabwean mobile operators, African telecoms, Zimbabwean Blue chip Counters

It seems Zimbabwe’s leading mobile service provider has been having problems with their network delivery throughout the day. At the time of writing the network is not working at all, which will be of great inconvenience to subscribers all over the country.

No Internet, No calls…Nothing!

All the network services offered by Econet are not functional right now. Subscribers cannot make calls, send messages, access the internet, EcoCash or the USSD platform. Basically, any service that is delivered via network seems to be defunct right now. We have no idea what the problem actually is but we will be reaching out to Econet to get a confirmation of what’s actually happening.

We thought that this was initially a problem we were only facing but various Techzim community group members on social media also started complaining and we realised this was actually happening on a large scale. The network problems are not countrywide and some users are actually able to access these services.

This is shocking

It will be interesting to hear what Econet’s response to this is but a wide-scale outage such as this one is disappointing. Worse off the fact that there was no prior communication about this outage might be an indication that Econet had no idea this was going to happen. I do not think this is a result of maintenance work on their end but we will hear what they have to say about this massive inconvenience.


16 responses

  1. GECKO Avatar

    If it happened, it is reasonable to think maybe they couldn’t even get in touch with subscribers. After all, they need the same network to inform the users.

  2. j Avatar

    i live in Marondera and i have been online all day even used ecocash ndezvenyu kuharare ikoko

  3. Edge Avatar

    In karoi network was normal all day

  4. Israel Moyo Avatar
    Israel Moyo

    In Bulawayo network was normal as usual

  5. Sagitarr Avatar

    The problem is not nationwide but pockets of areas where there is no service. This applies to telemetry as well apart from SMS, internet and voice.

  6.  Avatar

    kwekwe industrial part is always on and off. last night a few days ago the other week. This is where Econet are very slack . They never tweet to advise which areas are out of service. Mobile networks around the world that is 1st world countries let their customers know on their websites and social media. Econet might be the biggest but slack in so many areas.

  7. TITO Avatar


    1. ThinkBig Avatar

      it had selected lines, my wifes line was functional but later faced the same problem. I don’t think it was a blanket system outage.

  8. ThinkBig Avatar

    I am in Bulawayo and it wasn’t working, it started with a selected number of lines, cause some of the lines were functional. I had to go on their facebook page to let them know of the problem, but was chatting with a bot, which had no preset question that was in line with the problem i had. I spent a good five minutes being asked about my ID in a series of steps which i found to be annoying and later, the solution the bot gave me was to switch off my phone and restart. All i wanted to let them know was that their network had bars but it was not doing anything.

  9. sg Avatar

    business as usual yaifaya econet

  10. Anesu Avatar

    Been good all day here in Mutare, hameno ikoko

  11. Bk Chimuti Avatar
    Bk Chimuti

    Mine was perfect in Mt Darwin,in the town centre ,not sure for others far away from town centre.

  12. George Avatar

    West Nicholson is on point

  13. Philip Avatar

    Kwedu kuchipinge tiri kubhuya ngenetwork iri tiii.

  14.  Avatar

    U guys are promoting fake news reporting! U make sweeping statements which are not validated. Good journalism practice needs to be balanced and claims verified rather than causing panic, alarm and despondency to the nation

  15. nyasha Avatar

    True network is inefficient… hapana kunyepa

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