I don’t know if this was as big a problem on all radio stations but I do know it was crazy on Star FM. It’s like they created a product just for prophets and funny guys who are full of miracles. It was annoying and disturbing. Every few minutes there would be some advert, infomercial or programme promising miracles from prophet such and such or sekuru nhingi…
The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe has stepped in and directed radio and TV stations to stop broadcasting adverts from faith based healers. The CEO of BAZ wrote the following letter to all radio and television stations:
6 April 2018
CONTENTPlease kindly be advised that the Authority, has observed with concern the use of broadcast stations as platforms for advertising faith and traditional healing powers and the use of scientifically untested methods of treatment and healing by certain individuals and churches to the public, including the use of unverifiable testimonies.
This observation by the Authority Is supported by numerous complaints by members of the public to the Radio and Television Stations as revealed by the Stations’ complaints registers and social media.
Needless to point out that for some stations, these broadcasts have impacted the expected Wider focus of the stations to inform, educate and entertain the public, and, rather. emerged priority programming to the disappointment of viewers and listeners.
To this extent, considering the Authority, mandate to promote the interests of consumers in respect of the quality of broadcasting services provided by licensees, account being taken of the prohibition in terms of paragraph 27(4)(c) of the Broadcasting Services (Licensing and Content) Regulations, 2004. of advertisement which misleads the public and, in the interest of protecting members of the public who are likely to believe in whatever comes our or Radio or Television, the Authority hereby directs all Radio and Television Stations to cease the advertising of faith healing powers and the use of scientifically untested methods of treatment and healing by individuals or churches including infomercials.
Please. kindly note that this directive does not stop the broadcasting of social discussion programmes or debates on these issues.
Be guided accordingly.
The dangers of the ban
As with all things there are pitfalls down this road. I am obviously happy about this ban but that is because I am in agreement with BAZ and I was tired of the adverts. However, this is censorship and it’s a slippery slope. We may celebrate BAZ for exercising this power today but that then sets a precedence and we may find BAZ now unilaterally dictating content: that’s scary.
Life is one huge paradox, this is an example of it. I think there was a lot of abuse with the prophet or is it profit programming but having a government body dictate what airs on radio could be a problem in the future. I hope we don’t get there. Frankly, for now I don’t care, I am happy to see the profits go…
It’s a good thing that BAZ has explicitly communicated that discussions around religion etc are still permitted. Other countries (the developed ones even) are slowly outlawing religion itself….
I loath these programs but I don’t think they should be banned. They should just be limited somehow and everyone of these should be proceeded by a disclaimer that non of the stuff being claimed is scientific nor is is an alternative to seek treatment.
I hope it also affects STAR fm?? A BIG THANK YOU to BAZ. I am a staunch listener of Star FM at home, in the car and at work. Tanga tanzwa neminana iyi. Back to real social busisness of educating informing and entertaining.
I loathed these programs and would switch off the radio when they air. However I feel BAZ should not have issued a directive per say but engaged stakeholders as a way of restricting or limiting the content which was dominating the broadcast
For a government which had post-graduate ministers kneeling, shoeless in some remote bush a few years back – observing “diesel flowing from a rock” engineered by a grade 2 drop out, this is a stupendous decision!! The thinking process has begun…
Hahaha you killed me!
goodmove on that 1
what about those satellite tvs like yadha, christ, emmanuel and many others broadcasting in zimbabwe. i think if these are not banned also then BAZ is not being fair
Had not thought of that hey, interesting spin to it. I guess we need to look into that too
it maketh sense
what amazes me is that you guys will tbe the same people to cry when this censorship and freedom of religion is extended to other spheres of life. I would have thought we rally behind moderation/none interference of the government in business matters.those prophets/lezinyanga lezangoma lezi are in business and the radio stations were getting remuneration from those adverts, so it was indeed a win-win for both the radio and the religious leaders. also, listeners who testified and those who visited those places seem to have been benefitting so I wonder which ‘public’ BAZ is referring to? I’m not a follower of miracles myself kodwa ngibona angani this ban is illegal in a so-called democratic society. the decision to ban those should have come from the radio stations themselves but not the BAZ an arm of the government. ngingazi njalo. mhlawumbe ngilahlekile? ngiyabonga
Yea I understand you perfectly!
I agree that this decision is a very slippery one. I will be honest that as a consumer I am happy but there is a very big precedence problem