This Twitter Page Is Helping People To Find Lost Things In Zimbabwe

The advent of the internet coupled with the social media platforms has made communication and the spread of news relatively easier and cheap than other traditional mediums.

Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are used by many people in Zimbabwe so by utilizing them is ideal to spread a message to a wider audience.

That is why someone has decided to offer a public good by opening a Twitter page dedicated to helping people who lost things and people who are looking for their lost their things. The Twitter page is called @Lost&FoundZW.

About @Lost&FoundZW

The twitter account was opened in July 2017. The account’s status says:

This e-service is only applicable for property that is not lost through crime. If you believe that the property is stolen, please lodge a Police Report.

The page was relatively dormant since last year but from March this year it is gradually becoming active and more people are interacting on the page with as much as over 300 retweets on some posts. So that means that people are now finding the page relevant.

For now, it seems the page has not been helpful as no ‘tweet’ of something that was previously lost but found has been posted. This can be attributed to the fact that not many people use Twitter in Zimbabwe so the number of people involved in helping the Lost&FoundZW cause is still too little. Perhaps if such a service was on a platform like Facebook it would garner more followers.

In Zimbabwe Twitter is used by 7.62% of social media users whilst Facebook is used by 60.6% of social media users.

Anyway, you have nothing to lose by just utilizing the page if you are desperately looking for something.

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