Earlier this year, The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya announced that the Zanu-PF controlled government was set to put in place measures to stop curb the multi-tier pricing system (also known as 3 tier pricing) that is prevalent in doing transactions in the country. The Bill easily sailed through parliament and now awaits the Senate’s approval.
Multi-tier pricing system illegality stems from the fact that bond notes and electronic transfers are being devalued and the US dollar is being sold at a premium. Subsequently, this is creating instability and unpredictability in the day-to-day conduction of transactions in the economy.
Shockingly, latest reports from Mashonaland West have cited Zanu-PF’s use of multi-tier pricing system to aspiring councilors and membership updating.In light of this, government’s commitment to getting rid of the multi-tier pricing system is questionable.
Zanu-PF Mashonaland West aspiring councilors told NewsDay they were asked by party officials to pay an extra $10, while those seeking legislative posts paid $20 to accompany their $100 subscription fees. They also claim they were made to pay $3 for the new electronic membership card and another $60 subscription for the next five years.
“These staff members made a killing by forcing us to pay extra money for using Ecocash.”
In essence, Zanu-PF is being hypocritical as it is forbidding entrepreneurs and businesses to charge multiple prices when they are the ones who are affected more by the cash and foreign currency crisis.
3 responses
nyaya yakaitika ndeyekuti patakabvisa mugabe zvakangofanana nekubvisa mwana tsvina yaaitira mubhurugwa wobva wamupfekedza rimwe bhurugwa asina kugeza tsvina iri pamuviri. ED Itsvina zvayo same shit different toilet new dispensation is just a new diarrhhea
You are just repeating news from Newsday, without adding anything significant. You have actually made a convenient exclusion of a comment made by a Zanu-PF official, “I’m not aware of such an illegal arrangement. Members were supposed to swipe or pay into our bank account. We will get to the bottom of the matter when we do our audit. Nothing will be swept under the carpet,” he said.
Did you try seek a comment from Zanu-PF yourself? I’m not a Zanu-PF supporter in case you were wondering. Balanced reporting should always be persued.
In don’t think it was the party but as always individuals making a quick buck