I have written many gushing articles on how awesome I think Udemy is. Like all things Udemy is not perfect in the same way no school or product is but I have to say it is a pretty awesome way to acquire life skills. Anyway Udemy are having a promotion where you can buy their courses for only $9.99 ($13.50 Ecocash offer available see last paragraph for details).
What is Udemy you ask?
Well if you somehow missed my previous articles on Udemy. Udemy is an online e-learning site. Experts (sometimes passionate hobbyists) upload courses on various specific topics for example Javascript, Angular, Python, MBA concepts, Excel, Photography, Photoshop etc.
You get to choose the course you want, once you enrol into that course you get lifetime access to it which means for example when there are updates you get free lifetime access to these updates. Courses are in video format and usually include exercises as well as project to help you easily acquire the skill being taught as well as hone it.
Udemy is a great site if you want to learn a specific skill such as editing photos using GIMP. It is also a great place to get help if say you are learning a course such as JavaScript in school/college/university and want help in your studies. Udemy can also be useful if you are already say a programmer/or photographer and want to learn another language you did not learn in school.
Recommended Courses
There are so many courses on Udemy your head would reel. We recommend you only enrol into high rated and bestseller courses as these are frequently updated to keep up with technology changes. Below are 20 courses I would recommend:
- The complete Java and Android development course
- Object Oriented PHP with CMS project
- Complete Python Masterclass
- Learn to code with Ruby
- The compete Ruby on rails course
- Advanced JavaScript
- The Complete Nodejs Developer Course (2nd Edition)
- Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide
- The Complete Front-End Web Development Course
- The Complete jQuery Course: From Beginner To Advanced!
- The Complete Financial Analyst Course 2018
- Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation
- Financial Modeling for Startups & Small Businesses
- The Complete Finance Manager Course 2018
- Financial Management – A Complete Study
- Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis: Complete Training
- Accounting And Finance: Bookkeeping & Financial Statements
- MBA in a Box: Business Lessons from a CEO
- Financial Modeling: Build a Complete DCF Valuation Model
- Advanced Financial Management- A complete study
You are always free to go onto Udemy and choosing your own courses of course.
The Ecocash Offer
If you have your own MasterCard/Visa you can go ahead and take advantage of the offer. However if you are like a lot of other people who find making international payments I am here to help. For $13.50 (Ecocash) you can get a course of your choosing. To take advantage of this offer:
- Contact me on 0772 473 953 (WhatsApp or Call only SMS will be silently ignored) or email garikaib (at) gmail (dot) com
- Tell the course you want to enrol in. A link to the course would be awesome but is not required as long as you give me the course name and instructor
- Once you have my go ahead send the money to the number above
- I will enrol the course and a confirmation message is send to your email, you can click on the enclosed link to redeem your course
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