So this is an update to the article. Earlier on I rushed to publish the press release from Ecocash without any context (and I was out of the office for most of the day at that). So now I am told that there was a squabble between Ecocash and ZimSwitch which got leaked to media.
Zimswitch had written to Steward Bank instructing them to suspend the swipe into Ecocash service. In my naivety I had rushed to just publish the Ecocash side of the story. Apologies.
I am told though by officials at Ecocash/Steward Bank that the parties have resolved their issues and therefore Ecocash/Steward Bank still stand by their official statement below:
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd, the parent company of EcoCash and Steward Bank, wishes to advise its customers and the transacting public that the Swipe into EcoCash service is available and there are no plans to discontinue it.
Contrary to some media reports suggesting otherwise, the company wishes to reiterate that the Swipe into EcoCash service is up and running, and available for use by all customers.
The company will continue to work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that all users of the service continue to enjoy the convenience it brings them without any interruption.
I don’t know what’s going on now. The swipe into ecocash service was giving problems a number of times. Keep tuned in…
2 responses
I lost business by trying tht swipe to ecocash lst on a steward bank pos. Its painful
Thank you Econet for continous introducing swipe into Ecocash The company will continue to work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that all users of the service continue to enjoy the convenience it brings them without any interruption.