Whatsapp has revolutionised the way we communicate but its far from perfect as well. There are still many minor frustrations that have come with the Instant Messenger (IM).
Groups… Groups… Groups…
Chief among them for me is the fact that a group admin can add you to a group without your consent. To make matters worse, up until now if you left a group chat the admin could add you back into that group and you had no say in that matter. Whatsapp is now attempting to right their wrongs. Going forward, if someone exits a group, the admin can add them once and if they leave again you would have to wait for some time (something like 5 minutes) to add them back again. If they exit again you would have to wait for an extended time (more than the period you waited previously, could be 10 minutes more) to add them back. As the exiting of a group keeps on happening so does the time to add them back increase.
As you can tell this is not a perfect solution but it seems Whatsapp is aware that people are irritated by being forced into groups when they want to take no part in the group.
We want more!
This is an ‘ok’ feature but I think they still need to do more about this. A perfect solution would include a group admin actually sending a request for a member to join and then from there you accept the request and then you are let into the group. Hopefully, we’ll see this soon.
Also Read: How To Restore Deleted WhatsApp Chats/Messages
Also Read, So You Use GB WhatsApp, Is It Really Safe For You To Do That?
10 responses
Its an imperfect solution what if someone leaves the group by mistake? Would a link work?
Your recommendation is quite ok
Can you provide us with better and more relevant technology news in Zimbabwe?
Hey, is there anything you would like to see specifically?
What if it’s an important group,e g
I’m sure the person being added can always decide whether or not the group is important to them.
On the emojis please add a disability emojis e.g a wheelchair bound person.
I think those will be coming soon, there has been a lot of discussion around that recently so that’s probably a few months away
true we need better tech news…which revolve around burning issues in the local arena.