Facebook Admins Could Start To Earn With Subscription Groups, Group Members Would Pay $4.99 Per Month


Yesterday, Facebook announced the testing of paid subscription groups to help group admins monetize their efforts by charging $4.99 to $29.99 per month for exclusive content. The groups that have been chosen with this initial phase of the chargeable subscription are parenting, home cleaning and cooking.

Currently, there is no option of earning money from groups. Therefore with subscription groups, admins can create a sub-group with exclusive content, be it how-to tutorial videos or self-help articles, which can only be accessed by paying members.

This is a pilot project, and Facebook is trying to test the scope of paid services. Facebook’s Subscription Groups initiative is similar to another pilot program the company started back in March, which allowed fans to support video creators with a monthly payment in exchange for perks like some exclusive content.

Members will be able to sign-up for the subscription program and manage their payments via the Facebook app for Android and iOS. Facebook claims that the introduction of subscription group is not motivated by monetary ambitions on its part,  but that it was a way of repaying the efforts of group admins.  Facebook Groups product manager Alex Deve said;

We know that admins invest their time and energy to maintain their groups, and some have told us that they would like tools to help them continue to invest in their community and offer more to members.

A subscription group will only become active when the Facebook Group has a sizeable membership. The admin of such groups will post an invitation to members and show a preview of the exclusive content, which they can view fully, after paying for it.

As it is just a pilot program right now, Facebook won’t be getting any money from the subscription fees. But as it is available for both iOS and Android, Apple and Google will be taking a set percentage of user subscription fee as per the App Store and Play Store policies.

This is a great step by Facebook to help group admins earn money from their content. It will also motivate creators to create quality content from the money they have earned from these subscriptions.


2 responses

  1. Truth Avatar

    This is a good development for many of us value content creators. However, it remains to be seen how this will be applicable to the Zimbabwean market in the context of payments. Hopefully they will allow mobile money as payment options.

  2. Terry Avatar

    The model (not functionality of course) kinda already has been a thing in Zim for a while 🤷‍♀️. E.g in this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/119898351884767/permalink/287848281756439/?sale_post_id=287848281756439.

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