Get This Temperature Humidity Sensor From Cafago For Only $12.60, Uhmm Who Cares About Such?

Garikai Dzoma Avatar

As winter continues to bite I know some days are colder than others but sometimes you need to put a figure to the adjective. Normally I rely on Weather Underground and Google to tell me this but here is the problem, both services give me the weather for the area which might or might not be the same as that in my house.

Well Cafago have a solution, you can get their temperature and humidity sensor for only $12.60 instead of the usual $18. That’s another exclusive deal for our Techzim readers from our all-weather friends at Cafago who have been showering us with love this past month. They brought us the Nubia Z17 and Bluetooth headphone deals.

Who cares about temperature and humidity anyway?

Here is the thing as any doctor will tell you temperature and humidity changes are closely related to human comfort and health. Why, you don’t need your doctor to tell you that freezing weather or sweltering heat is bad for you. Knowing the weather might be just what you need to take corrective action like getting that gas heater, extra-blankets or a humidifier. The later is especially important if you have a baby-recent experience has taught me.

Product details

This is a Xiaomi Mijia Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Sensor; what did you expect given my love affair with Xiaomi? These are the same guys who made my beloved action camera. The device comes with an LCD display that can be easily read without none of those Six’s thermometer tricks we had in Secondary Geography. If the thing says it’s 4°C then that’s the temperature and you can read it off the panel.

It also comes with AAA batteries which are in the package. The batteries will last an entire year if the device is just on standby. Like all things Xioami the sensor comes with Bluetooth and you can connect it to the Mijia app which you can download from the Playstore or iTunes if iOS is your poison.

The device’s readings are refreshed every second which means you will be getting up to the second temperature readings here. With a sensitivity of up to 0.1°C and 0.1% there will be no more guesses.

How to buy

Applying the coupon code
  • Click on this link to be taken to the product home page
  • Click on the “Buy Now” button
  • You will be taken to the cart / Asked to create an account
  • To Apply the promotion code just click on the requisite tab just above the Place Order button
  • Enter the code RF0139 (valid till 21 July)
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter any requirements you might have into the “leave message” box please see below for details
  • Select your payment method (we strongly recommend PayPal) and click on Place Order
  • Make your payment

That’s all there is to it.

Shipping and import duty

Your product will usually be shipped with 48 hours and it will normally take 30 days to arrive. Typically ZIMRA will not charge you duty if your items are below $10 invoice value. In such cases you will only have to pay a $2 handling fee to ZIMPOST when you collect your items. The people from Cafago are quite amenable to hearing from you about these things, if you know what I mean, so make sure to put the message box I mentioned above to good use. Let those who have ears hear.

Anywhoo remember you will need a Visa/MasterCard to make this payment so best to have that on hand. I always encourage people to make use of the free PayPal service where you can just link your card with PayPal for protection. It is a good security practice.
