DStv Brings Back Italian Serie A To Supersport

In news that will probably delight DStv subsrcibers who love football whilst equally frustrating Kwese subscribers, Supersport has clinched the rights to broadcast the Italian Serie A for the 2018-19 season which will be kicking off on the 19th of next month.

Unlike some sporting content which has been exclusively aired in South Africa, Italy’s top division will be available to all subscribers as DStv said:

All 380 Serie A matches will be broadcast on DStv’s SuperSport across all platforms and DStv packages throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and the adjacent islands and be available to all of MultiChoice’s subscribers.

Though this is not the most popular league right now, football enthusiasts will welcome the addition of Serie A to DStv’s roster of football leagues which already includes the Spanish La Liga and the English Premier League.

Serie A could be a BIG DEAL soon…

Going away from the technical aspects of this deal, the timing could not be more perfect for Supersport as Serie A champions are being linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo. You may be wondering why we are delving into football rumours but if Mr Ronaldo does indeed go to Italy there will be a significant rise in the viewership of that league.

I think broadcasters who have the rights to the Serie A will be hoping that this move happens as their pockets only stand to get fatter if that happens.

Kwese, how fare thee?

A few months ago, Kwese clinched the rights to the upcoming season of the French Ligue 1. Though the French league is not a league known for drawing big crowds the move was welcomed and the chance to watch Neymar or Mbappe surely might have been enough to entice some football fans into considering making the switch from DStv to Kwese.

With DStv’s recent move however the tide swings back in their favour and if you’re football fan I don’t see a reason why you would opt for Kwese and not DStv considering they now have rights to three of the five best leagues in the world.

It seems DStv’s stranglehold on subscribers will continue for the foreseeable future and the reason behind this is simple; most households are led by males and these males tend to love soccer. What’s the best satellite offering if you love soccer? Fortunately for Multichoice -and unfortunately for Kwese and Econet Media- that answer remains and will remain DStv for the next 2-3 years.


9 responses

  1. Garikai Dzoma Avatar
    Garikai Dzoma

    I am not giving up my Compact Plus subscription for anything least of all this Kwese nonsense. My friend made the mistake of buying a Kwese decoder he spend the whole month complaining the thing is in this day and age we want control not only does Kwese have no good football you cannot pause, record or rewind any of the movies and TV shows. With DSTV you can always pay for PVR, now that’s a big deal for some of us as you can take a break without missing anything. If your wife wants to watch those soapies you don’t have to fight for the remote as she can get them on Showmax later (you get the Showmax discount). It’s a pain to make the payment for most but DSTV is still king.

  2. Day Munatsi Avatar
    Day Munatsi

    Buy local, not excusing issues that Kwese should obviously and easily fix like the sluggish website. I will still support them for the following reasons.
    1. Founded locally, a good story for black african entrepreneurs especially as most across Africa follow the University of Strive.
    2. Competition is good, DSTV can charge whatever they want just because they were a monopoly
    3. Be the change you want to see, Kwese can and will be all those things with our support, Naspers the parent owner for Multichoice is more than 100 years old, considering when Econet was founded they are not doing bad especially as Kwese is only 2 years old. More uptake means more bargaining power for them.
    4. A dollar taxed on Kwese is more likely to benefit you than one from DSTV (well depends on whether Zimbabwe is open for business )
    5. Internet streaming is gaining traction, Kwese have Liquid Telecoms as their backbone. With Fibre to the Home (FTTH) and internet access becoming more universal, Kwese is poised to be a better alternative. Kwese therefore has a vested interest in improving internet access across Africa more than DSTV.

    1. purpledragon Avatar

      These reason are can be said by someone who hasnt felt the awesome power of PVR. That one points beats down Kwese hands down. Ofcourse they have different content but PVR is very important especially for busy people like me… mukoma gari is most correctest about not leaving dstv.

  3. The Blessing Avatar
    The Blessing

    They are following CR7 who is joining Juventus. We can’t afford not to watch the world’s best because he is no longer in La Liga. Well done DSTV. Compact plus all the way

  4. Eng Mhlanga Avatar
    Eng Mhlanga

    I buy bread based because of how it tastes to me NOT who the baker is. Zimbos Masiyiwa is not your personal property, he is now a Global businessman. He goes where the opportunities are. With due respect, Kwese still has a lot to learn from DStv, these 2 cant be compared right now. Dont be fooled, the DStv guys will not fold hands and watch Kwese manouvre, Masiyiwa and team must tighten their belts to be of any serious competition to DStv.

  5. Hombe Avatar

    DSTV is a riff off

  6.  Avatar

    Thanks king cr7 coz u r de main reason y Serie A will be broadcasted👑✅✔✅✔✅✔✅

  7. Obeng isaac Avatar
    Obeng isaac

    Are you going to telecast all serial A matches?

    1. Farai Mudzingwa Avatar
      Farai Mudzingwa

      Hey who is this question directed to? If Techzim, then no we are not going to telecast the matches but DStv will show the matches. Not entirely sure if they are going to show ALL matches or if there would be demand for that on a wide scale.

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