DStv will be opening up a selection of SuperSport and children’s channels to subscribers on Compact Plus, Compact Family, or Acces packages as part of what they are calling a ‘winter bonus.’ The sporting and kids channels will be open from Friday 13 July until the 31st of July.
There is however one caveat and that is, subscribers must already be active which means the rewards are only open to people who are paid up. If you pay after the 13th of July you are out of luck.
DStv rep, Liz Dziva, said:
The open viewing gives DStv viewers an insight into the range of content on DStv Premium and is aimed at being a reward for support and continued active subscriptions to subscribers to DStv Access, Family, Compact and Compact Plus.
Cool timing if you’re following the World Cup
This offering comes at a great time for soccer fans and the opening up of premium channels comes just in time to enable some subscribers to watch the final two World Cup games on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday will see one team confirmed as third place whilst on Sunday the world champions will be coronated. If you’re a soccer fan and you were on a bouquet that didn’t have any of these channels there’s something to look forward to.
In terms of sports the F1 season is also underway, along with Wimbledon tennis so depending on where your preference lies you might be covered. The kids will also be getting more content so it’s a win-win.
Considering that this is a free offering being made there’s no need to micro-analyse what’s on offer and I think subscribers on lower packages will welcome this bonus with open arms.
3 responses
Why are we paying more money for the Premium Bouquet if others will get it for free and why are South African subscribers to DSTV Premium getting Show Max for free while we, in Zim, are discriminated against?
because zim subscribers don’t matter
apo mataura chokwadi chinorwadza kkkk