EcoCash Faces Downtime – Mobile Money Service Has Been Down For A Few Hours Now

EcoCash Zimbabwe, Bill Manager, Automatic Bill Payments

Some users of EcoCash have been having trouble using the mobile money platform for the past few hours and at the time of writing we still can’t access the service. We know that the challenges have been affecting users since 5 pm but we are not sure if this is when the challenges actually started.

When I tried to access EcoCash using both USSD and the application I couldn’t and I was given different error messages on all the attempts that I made.

We’ve contacted Econet for comment and once we get a response we will update this article.

One of the reasons why interoperability was proposed…

When Supa Mandiwanzira –ICT & Cyber Security Minister- made clear his reasons for wanting interoperability he stressed the point that in the event of downtime there would be a disaster due to the monopoly EcoCash. Though to some this seems far-fetched and some may dismiss is at mere politicking once you think about it closely, a countrywide failure of the service would be disastrous.

A co-worker in TM (Strathaven) today saw people leave their groceries in the shop as their primary method of payment (i.e. EcoCash) was not working.

Now think if this coincided with a deadline for certain payments –think exam fees- and you failed to make a payment just because the method of payment you use is not working. In the event of downtime with EcoCash this would be disastrous because of the number of users they have.

Now get me straight, I am not saying that EcoCash being widely used is necessarily a problem –because they do offer the best mobile money service right now- but due to the monopoly they have on the market in the event that something big does happen we would have to brace ourselves for chaos.

As aforementioned we are yet to get a comment on how big a deal this is and just how widespread it is but when something like this occurs it is a bit worrying and we do hope the disruption isn’t too widespread.

Are you also facing challenges with accessing your EcoCash or making transactions?

Also Read: Supa Mandiwanzira Thinks EcoCash Dominance Could Be Disastrous

One response

  1. MacdChip

    Middle to senior police, soldiers, cio, gvt workers have all NetOne lines which they use for free, and they can cross phone econet. Thats why tha Kangai thing was raising national security rubbish arguement when Econet disconnected NetOne for non payment. These lines are abused full stop, then you wondee why NetOne never grows!!

    That lame excuse from Madsiwanzira needs to be addressed!! Its another rubbish excuse. He bought Telecel and used public money saying he wanted to challenge Econet, what happened??

    Incompetent individuals and gvt always look for excuses and someone to blame.

    Econet managed to grow their business against a hash gvt which was and will always work hard to bring it down. If Econet is being considered to greedy, its because potraz is always playing politics instead od being a regulator.

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