More Mystery: ZEC’s Preliminary Investigation Reveals “Some People Who Received Messages From Zanu-PF Are Not On Voters Roll”

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) promised that they are going to investigate whether Zanu PF was using ZEC’s database to send the controversial unsolicited SMSes to unsuspecting people. Well, now they have got back to us with a report of their preliminary findings from the investigation. ZEC’s preliminary findings reveal that some of the people who received text messages from Zanu-PF are not on the voters roll. Disclosing the findings; ZEC boss, Priscilla Chigumba said;

Our preliminary finding showed that some of the people who received the messages were not even on the voters roll.

By the look of it, if some people not on voters roll received the ‘unsolicited messages’, it means that Zanu-Pf is not using ZEC’s database.


Some people are saying that the ‘unsolicited SMSes’ they received were for their constituency (they will vote in) yet the addresses they gave to Econet are of a different address in a different constituency. Since ZEC has a database listing people accordingly with the constituencies they will vote in, it stands to reason that its database is in use with Zanu-PF.

At the same time, Econet’s and Potraz’s list of subscribers doesn’t have constituency addresses. I guess this somewhat absolves Econet and Potraz to a certain extent in this scandal.

Although it’s technically possible to use Econet’s database and dig out the constituencies of people, it’s a very tedious and inefficient procedure which needs unthinkable time. Given that not everyone received the ‘unsolicited messages’, thus rendering the procedure inefficient could it mean that Zanu-PF used this long route?


10 responses

  1. BhoraMugedhi Avatar

    People need not be skeptical, anyone can get anyone’s number, Inga wani pari kuitwa door tp door campaigning, so can one then say how did u know that i live here? its nonsense, ZANU PF is employing its campaign strategy, bulk smses is not illegal, ko wani we receive messages from the health department, whats the difference, name specifics can easily be extracted from the service providers senge kana uri a registered Econet, netone or telecel user kungoita as if u wanna send money then voila, this complaining is just so that kana MDC yadyiwa iwane fallback at law that it had registered its complaint before, otherwise legally they have no case against ZANU PF nor ZEC…

    1.  Avatar

      When u see a lost brainless person post on an intellectual site. Voting for zanu is voting for a bad future. I hate people like you who eat feceas and say its the sht

      1. fiend Avatar

        Funny you use the word intellectual yet you lack tolerance of differing views.

        You are just one and the same. Opposite sides of the same coin.

        Intolerant bigots.

        People vote for what they want.

        You are one and the same. You belong together

      2. Mbongozidana Avatar

        This business of thinking with one’s heart instead of using our God given tool, the brain, is very dangerous. Unbiased reasoning will clearly tell you that there is no case at all, but simply that MDC Alliance is now engulfed in mysterious fear, they are now so confused that they no longer know what exactly is going to hit them next. The MDC Alliance has simply become such a miserable bunch of confusion and devoid of any meaningful direction.

  2. CTm Avatar
  3. CTm Avatar

    She is lying, that’s what it is

  4. Johno Avatar

    Why is Chigumba’s face so whitish?? Skin lightening pills or cosmetics or natural?? Whatever it is, its scary!!

  5. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    There is a law against unsolicited SMSes, thus making such activity illegal. The fact that you receive messages from the MoH doesn’t mean that they are doing so legally. You have a right to challenge the MoH in the courts. Having some people who received messages not being on the voters roll is not proof that ZEC didn’t supply the details to ZANU-PF. The question pertains to those recipients on the voters roll, because there is nowhere else you can get a persons voting constituency besides ZEC. The issue isn’t about acquiring phone numbers alone, as you would like to make it seem. It’s about the phone number with constituency and name.

    ZECs defence is analogous to you accusing someone of stealing a 10 USD note from your desk, then they open their wallet and say I have a 10 USD note, but I also have a 5 USD and 20 USD note, so that means I’m not the one who stole your money. And, besides that, they were the only one in your office!

  6. Mbongozidana Avatar

    This business of thinking with one’s heart instead of using our God given tool, the brain, is very dangerous. Party allegiance should not make us fail to discern reality, or worse still, weakness in whoever we will be supporting. Unbiased reasoning will clearly tell you that there is no case at all, but simply that MDC Alliance is now engulfed in mysterious fear, they are now so confused that they no longer know what exactly is going to hit them next. The MDC Alliance has simply become such a miserable bunch of confusion and devoid of any meaningful direction.

  7. Sagitarr Avatar

    “Unbiased reasoning” that comes from Zanu PF appendages is just like DeadBC news et al – very suspicious. Reasoning involves using logic, – the statements coming from ZEC and their sympathisers lack that. If someone finds faults or inconsistencies with the administration critical in an election they have every right to bring it up. It would be very idiotic and cowardly to shut up. Political bullies prey on cowards which has been happening in Zimbabwe for close to 4 decades. It’s long and subliminal enough to brainwash some naive entities into believing they can reason when they prove clearly that they are not up to the task. Just like with the Testing phase in sw development – you have normal data whose output is expected then you have exceptional data which tests the system’s ability to handle faults. ZEC has failed dismally to handle exceptional data making the integrity of the data questionable. This is a fact.

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