President Mnangagwa Officially Launched $4.7m Initiative By Liquid Telecom To Give Free Wi-Fi To Students In Pursuit Of Strive Masiyiwa’s Vision

Econet Global, Higher Life Foundation, Facebook, Sasai, Twitter

Today President Emmerson Mnangagwa officiated at the launch of Edu-Zones, an initiative by Liquid Telecom to offer connectivity to the country’s universities and tertiary institutions. The ultimate goal though is to fulfill Strive Masiyiwas’s vision of having free Wi-Fi connectivity at all tertiary institutions and secondary schools within the African countries that Liquid Telecom operates within three years.

Official communique by Liquid Telecom says:

Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe through the initiative of its Group Chairman, Strive Masiyiwa, is
proposing a country-wide free Internet access program for University and Tertiary education
students. This program is supported by the Ministry of Higher, Tertiary, Science & Technology
Development, as part of the commitment an MOU recently signed which expresses the
commitment of Liquid Telecom to work with government to improve the digital education
and access in Zimbabwe.

Where will it happen first?

Initially the programme will roll out at 10 universities where students will get high speed Wi-Fi access for free via Wi-Fi hotspots at halls of residence, common rooms, canteens, sports pavilions and student centres. The 10 universities that are part of the initial roll out are:

  • University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
  • National University of Science and Technology (NUST)
  • Midlands State University (MSU)
  • Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT)
  • Great Zimbabwe University (GZU)
  • Harare Institute of Technology (HIT)
  • Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE)
  • Lupane State University
  • Marondera State University
  • Manicaland State University

Cloud is the future

The bit I am most excited about is that Liquid Telecom will be offering access to the Azure cloud stack to some of the students. This excites me because students will be getting access to the current modern computing and development environment. This is a big deal. My cry has always been that students are coming out with obsolete knowledge.

To push even more on the development of the relevant digital skills part of this partnership between Liquid and the Ministry of Higher Education will see the establishment of Muzinda Coding Hubs at the tertiary institutions.

Connectivity away from campus

Liquid will also be giving registered students access to their more than 500 Wi-Fi hotspots across the country.

The long game

Lately, I have been commenting a lot about Liquid Telecom’s long game. They are making sure that their huge investment in infrastructure on the continent which has reached 50 000km of fibre optic cable will be utilised and reap them value in the future. They are doing this by equipping their customer of the future.

This is smart. The company will not leave it to chance that there will be demand for connectivity, infrastructure and cloud solutions they offer. They are actively raising the entrepreneurs and techies who will demand such resources. They are doing that by giving these future customers a taste of their services and equipping them with digital skills using the tools that Liquid themselves sell.

It’s like a cocaine salesman who first gives potential clients a taste of the powder knowing fully well that once they have tasted they are not potential customers anymore but fully converted customers who will pay any amount even if they have to sell their mother.

The Liquid Telecom MD for Zimbabwe, Wellington Makamure said this:

The initiative that is being launched today by His Excellency is only the beginning of a longterm
commitment by Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe to provide internet service and connectivity
to educational institutions

Key word: long-term


13 responses

  1. Slow Net Avatar
    Slow Net

    Election Gimmick….

  2. President's Keeper Avatar
    President’s Keeper

    Zimbabweans be positive, be patriotic. This is no joke. You keep on writing stupid things…annoying things that result in damaging the image of the country. If you have nothing better to do with yourselves go for community service. Be mature and stop this madness. President has done the right thing. Masiyiwa is doing the right thing for our kids and for the country and here is somebody saying it’s an election gimmick. Even if it is it’s a great one. Why don’t you do something positive for your country instead of being a cry baby and a hate monger?

  3.  Avatar

    I like this initiative and all that you have pointed out. I seethis as a great initiative. For the business long term it also means Kwese iflix will be watched tremendously. Coz such content is desired by young folks

  4. Darlington Avatar

    Thank you ED and Mr Masiiwa.

  5.  Avatar

    President mnangagwa has done well for businesses and is pushing hard, commissioning companies and industries. I think he has unmatchable work ethic among the candidates. However, change will accelerate it even the more. Ive studied overseas and for me wifi should not be bundle driven but an access to all phone packages. They rather sell us mobile packages that have all internet access in them. Internet access should not be a dollar dollar thing. I like this initiative and i pray econet restructures the way it offers data. Because it is hurting our ecommerce industry. More reason why ecommerce startups are hurting. Because data is not yet as accessible. Package it econet dont bundle it separately.

  6. Rangarirai Avatar

    Sure thank you ED and Masiiwa. As students we really need the internet

  7. Rangarirai Avatar

    #President’s Keeper well said!!!

  8. Sagitarr Avatar

    Well done to Strive Masiiwa……as for the prez, where was he when EW were fasting for a license to operate? This is where the cynicism comes from. Not all of us have the memory of a fly. It’s always a disadvantage to be in power for far too long because there are some voters with long memories & experiences whose skepticism is fueled by adrenalin.

    1. Llodza Avatar

      Good question Sagittar

  9. Nitpik Avatar

    I specifically recall a universal rule we had playing impromptu soccer matches kumaraini called “muchekadzafa”… Great initiative though

  10. Tinani (@Tinani23225250) Avatar

    Inequality is everywhere, even in England the queen is very rich but gradually has presided over the betterment of all her subjects. The British are proud of themselves and defend the name of thei country. So don’t be so quick to hate on your fellow countryman and leadership just for an election. As ED has said what unites us is far greater than what separates us, so don’t belittle your country so harshly in the name of politics. The westerners you’re so keen on impressing with your self hatred will quietly laugh at your self hatred.

  11. Jeremiah Tonderai Avatar
    Jeremiah Tonderai

    Very good initiative indeed. It looks like only public universities are covered. I know it reads “initial roll out” but facts are facts…

  12. elisha mtshiya Avatar
    elisha mtshiya

    great initiative and vision from liquid telecom

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