It’s getting crazier and crazier every day as 30 July approaches, particularly regarding the seemingly never-ending unsolicited bulk SMSes issue that has grabbed everyone’s attention. The issue has reached a climax with one Masvingo Lawyer, Owen Mafa dragging Econet, ZEC, ZANU PF and An Aspiring MP To Court over the unsolicited SMs he received.
Whilst ZanuPF admitted to having sent SMS to its supporters who freely gave them their numbers, Mr. Mafa said he had not consented to receive an SMS from Zanu-PF. The lawyer is suing all 4 parties on the grounds of a POTRAZ Regulatory circular that prohibits the sending of unsolicited bulk text messages.
Relentless Zanu-Pf
Even in the background of being sued Zanu-PF has renewed its enthusiasm in sending the unsolicited text messages. The party has started to send unsolicited SMSes with a different message to the ones it sent earlier this week. The new unsolicited SMSs despises MDC’s recent demonstration and simultaneously commending itself (Zanu-PF) for “empowering” people “through land banks for Women and youth projects. Here is the SMS;
I thought that the POTRAZ Regulatory circular and lawsuit could have deterred Zanu-Pf to continuously send unsolicited bulk SMS’s, but apparently, I was wrong. Will a class action lawsuit even deter them? I suppose the only way Zanu-PF can be stopped is when Econet stops allowing them to use its SMS platform. Anyway, I don’t think its as easy as that for Econet. If you know the history of Econet you will probably agree with me.
4 responses
I got such a text yesterday. i do admit Zanu will go to whatever lengths to achieve its goal. I wasnt one to judge but now they just pushed me over the edge. I’ll vote for MDC Allaince simply because these Zanoids invaded my privacy. Vaakutotsvira izvozvo
Vanhu vanoVHOTERA zanu havana maFONI shemu. Kusafunga kweGARWE kunoparira atenzi
kana kuno ku States, zvinoitika …. chii chazonyanyo kushamisira paZimbabwe kuti watumirwa ma SMS…. uk, china everywhere , inotambika … thats why you are poor zimbabweans, mosgingirira zvinhu zvisina basa… but dai matumirwa sms naPapa dai matomhanya kunobhadhara offering .. solly lot
Masms so what . Ndokutoita nyaya yeyi ipapa.