DSTV and Kwese are making headlines but there seem to be a silent new player in broadcasting circles called Zillionaire Mobile TV Network (ZMTN). ZMTN is a TV Network which owns the new ZMTN Revolt Decoder. The Revolt Decoder is a TV Decoder with over 300 free channels. And ZMTN claims that the ZMTN Revolt Decoder doesn’t require monthly TV subscriptions. Apparently, users only have to pay a once off price to eternally enjoy 300 free channels.
ZMTN, a South African based firm claims that it has 856521 customers in 54 different countries. And according to Zambian’s Daily Mail, ZMTN was in negotiations with Zambian authorities to start operations in Zambia in September. Furthermore, ZMTN is reportedly going to invest as much as 2 million Rand for film production in Zambia.
What channels are on ZMTN?
Users are said to watch TV channels that range from sports channels to news channels to travel channels and travel channels. Here are just a few channels;
Sky Atlantic Ireland, Sky Arts, Sky Living, Sky, AI Jazeera Documentary, Alibi, Alma Mater TV, AMC USA, Animal Planet, British Euro Sports, BT Sports 1, Sky Sports Cricket, Sky Sports Golf, Sky Sports Football,Sky Sports Premier League, Sky Sports Action, Sport TV, Sportsnet One, Sport Klub, Sportsnet World, Indiefeed: Hip Hop Music, Inside Music TV, Juce TV, Just Good Music, Kerrang TV, Kiss, Magic, Morning Coffee etc
Despite these channels from other television networks, ZMTN is said to have its own 6 television channels, which are Wakanda TV, Pula TV, ZMTN News, ZMTN Sports, House of Praise and Star Films.
Too good to be true….Is it legit?
From the top of my head, I have doubts about the ‘legitness’ (so to speak) of this decoder. Channels like Sky Sports, Sky Premier league are premium channels which I don’t think would be accessed without paying a monthly subscription. Although users may remit a once off payment to ZMTN, many channels usually have broadcasting rights up to a certain period so I find it implausible that it would sell their content forever to ZMTN for a once off payment.
ZMTN claim that it has 85621 customers in Africa is questionable. There is not much written about ZMTN on the internet so I wonder how it has been marketing itself to garner that number of customers. In fact, up until today, I had never had of such a decoder. ZMTN’s YouTube channel was launched 3 weeks, and with that, I surmise that the company is not yet 2 months old. With what it’s offering (300 channels for once off payment) I expected a lot of noise about ZMTN but that has not been the case. So without engaging in a massive advertisement campaign ZMTN has already amassed over 800 000 subscribers?
Anyway, we have contacted ZMTN to get more information about its decoder and it is yet to get back to us. We will tell you more.
8 responses
“ZMTN, a South African based firm claims that it has 856521 in 54 different countries.” Would it kill you to proof read? 856521 ???what??? in 54 different countries?
Sorry I dont understant what you mean. Can you rephrase please.
hie,how about uhuru tv is it legit
uHuru is legit my colleague has written about them here https://www.techzim.co.zw/tag/uhuru-tv/ . Remember testing their service in 2016. You will need at least 2Mbps to use the service. 3 Mbps should allow you to get HD (720P) 5 Mbps for 1080P
You are right Sky Charges a princely sum for their channels and they should considering what they pay in rights alone. These are no doubt criminals. Whoever buys this piece of crap will no doubt be left stuck with a plastic box once these criminals are inevitably arrested.
I personally haven’t heard of this decoder before today, but I would think it could be similar to Wiztech. Depending of how much the decoder costs, most folks won’t care how legit or illegit it is. There are still a number of functioning channels on Wiztech, and they are still better than ZBC.
It would have to be different from WizTech. Sky and BT are premium channels that cost a pretty penny. WizTech is filled with FTA garbage like all those nauseating gospel channels that advertise every 5 minuts
Too good to be true. All that glisters is not gold