Twitter Lite was launched back in February but it’s been getting a rather slow roll out. Because of this roll out the data-saving sibling of Twitter is only available in 45 countries. Thankfully Zimbabwe is now part of that list.
If you use chrome, you may have been prompted to add ‘Twitter Lite’ to your homepage and this was basically just a webpage appearing as an application would and this is not the Twitter Lite that has now been launched. The application is actually availabke on the Playstore and it will help users save storage and data. With an install size of only 3Mb, even those with storage issues won’t have a hard time clearing a few things to install this application.
You also have the ability to turn on a data-saver mode and this will ensure that images are not automatically previewed as you scroll the timeline. Instead you can actually choose to load images on tweets you are actually interested in which is a great way of saving data.
This lighter version of the Twitter application also comes with a dark mode so you don’t have to pierce your eyes when you are checking out Twitter updates in darker surroundings.
Lite apps are increasing in popularity
Twitter is not the only one going for the less intense apps specifically targeted at developing markets. Google and Facebook also have their suite of Lite apps which include YouTube Go, Maps Go and Facebook Lite. These applications will remian useful as long as data and decent smartphones remain expensive as they are in countries like our own. Google has actually gone ahead and created a lite-version of their android software and I won’t be surprised if, in a few years time those phones are common in Zim.