Download Liquid Telecom’s Recently Released Africa-centric Blockchain Report

African telecoms, Econet Group

Central and southern Africa Internet Access Provider Liquid Telecom recently released the African Blockchain Report. Liquid Telecom are of the belief that blockchain tech could help improve transparency and trust in a number of different sectors within our continent. They believe the technology can be used to fix our sticky supply chains, in the tracking of assets and to improve service delivery.

What will you find in the report?

The report includes companies that have already embraced Blockchain technology within Africa and also the potential of the tech along with the challenges that will come up in the future. You can also expect to read about the following:

  • A look at the industries driving blockchain adoption across the region;
  • How blockchain can play a big role in supporting the public sector – featuring an interview with Dr. Ndemo, Chairman of the Blockchain and Artificial intelligence Taskforce at Government of Kenya;
  • How key stakeholders in Africa are preparing for the arrival of blockchain.

Download Liquid Telecom’s African Blockchain Report 2018

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