Riots have erupted in the CBD in Harare as it seems there is a section of citizen who are not entirely happy with the results of the 2018 Elections. After being at the Command Centre (HICC) around midday it’s clear there is a lot of unrest. There was a small crowd gathering in protest at the gates of the hotel and it seems the protests in the CBD have only gained momentum since then.
With things seemingly heating up the government may be forced to shut down the internet as a mechanism to control information. The Minister of ICT and Cyber Security, Supa Mandiwanzira gave his word that the internet would certainly not be shut down in June. Hopefully the government keeps their word but in the event that they don’t and the internet is tampered with you also need to be in a position to protect yourself!
Word of the day: VPN’s
The best thing you can do is to install a VPN and ensure that your movements (on the internet of course) are not traced back to you. You are probably wondering how a VPN will keep you safe? Well let’s talk about that briefly without getting technical. VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, allow users to securely access a private network and share data remotely through public networks. Similar to how a firewall protects your data on your computer, VPNs protect it online. VPNs are hugely popular with corporations as a means of securing sensitive data when connecting remote data centers.
Where can you get one and for which devices?
That’s the short lesson on VPNs. Now the next logical question is where can you get one? On the internet of course! You can download a VPN for your computer or phone and the advice I would give you is to download one for both all your devices that are connected to the internet.
On PC I use Proton VPN and it’s worked wonderfully for me without having to part with any money. I know everyone loves freebies so I’m just putting it out there.
Of course everyone will have their own preferences and the VPN that I think is the champion when it comes to ease of use is in-built with the Opera Browser (laptop). All you have to do is install the Opera browser. Right in the address window where users usually search on Google or enter web addresses there is a VPN button:

The VPNs that you can access on your laptop for free include:
I am yet to use any of the 3 above services but they are recommended by TechRadar and usually they are diligent reviewers.
On mobile, I will be the first one to confess! I haven’t protected myself. I’m living a VPN-free life, rather living a VPN-free life until a few minutes ago. Back in the day I used to use Tunnel Bear for mobile and because we are creatures of habits, I rushed back to familiar territory. I won’t say Tunnel Bear is the best VPN on mobile but it’s the one I’m using so of course I will recommend you to get. The setup is clear and easy to follow so all you have to do is download the app and let it show you what you need to do.
You can also check out the following VPN’s on mobile:
These are the VPNs being used in the Techzim office, and I know there are many others but that’s where you guys enter. If you know any other VPNs that run circles around the one’s we recommended then feel free to comment and enlighten us and all the readers.
5 responses
so this vpn works when internet is cut off
When data is cut off no VPN can connect you to the internet.
What you are trying to say is that if social media gets blocked you can get around using VPN..Please edit your story.
have you noticed that the ZEC website has been suspended? Any reasons why?
your information are very much useful. keep sharing this type of ideas. I really love to read your content.