[Update] Mortal Kombat Gaming Tournament Being Hosted This Weekend In Harare

At this point we are not entirely sure what Zim’s gaming industry looks like, but it’s always welcome news when we hear of events to do with gaming. Such an event is being hosted this weekend by Comexposed. Comexposed is a hub of sorts and a Facebook description on their about page is the best way

Comexposed is the Zimbabwean Digital Arts convention. It is the collective effort of Digital artists in Zimbabwe showcasing their work, progress and dreams be it in Comic Books, Fashion, Gaming, Film & TV, V.R, Music, Design, Animation and all others. Comexposed aims to bring together Zimbabwean and African Digital artists under one banner to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing and growth in skills. Comexposed aims to create a digital arts industry in Zimbabwe and foster the development of a truly African continental identity that will be a heritage for generations to come in African advancement.

This Saturday, 18 August Comexposed are hosting a Mortal Kombat X Tournament this weekend.


Venue: 24 Van Praagh Avenue Milton Park, Harare

Admission Fee: $3

Time: 12:15PM – 5PM

Prize: Roku Streaming Box + $30

If you are interested in gaming this is a cool way to also make some dollars whilst also growing the eSports culture in our country. This is not the first tournament that Comexposed have hosted and it seems they host these tournaments twice month. You can follow the updates on Comexposed’s YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Their Twitter page is particularly cool as they also have polls (sometimes) concerning which games will be played at the next tournament.

This article was updated to announce that the prize has changed and not only will gamers now get the $30 prize money but they will also get a Roku streaming device courtesy of a sponsorship by Liquid Telecom. 

Also read, Game Of Thrones lead animator Jonathan Symmonds visits Comexposed

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