Payments Summit To Be Hosted To Educate Consumers Of Dangers They Face In A Cashless Economy

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Bank cards, RTGS

With the digital age raging on there has never been a better time to go cashless. I’m not talking about cashless in the manner we’ve come to understand as Zimbos, but rather a cashless society created out of convenience and not necessity.

For the third year running, Vukani Communications will be hosting The Cashless Payments Summit and some of these talking points will be addressed. The focus of the summit will be on Vision 2025 for the payments systems, financial inclusion, blockchain tech and where the Southern African region is in relation to developments in payments innovations globally.

Why have the Cashless Payment Summit?

One of the key factors that motivated the coming about of this event, was the fact that consumers need to be educated upon the systems that have been designed with them in mind. One of the biggest concerns with the move to digital remains the fact that cyber criminals have also increase their activity to counter the rise to digital so there is a need to ensure individuals and organisations are not exploited.

Objectives of the summit

  • Assess the local capacity of revamping the payment systems to world class standards by 2025
  • Examine the efforts made towards financial inclusion
  • To explore measures in place to keep digital payments secure and conscientise consumers about the availability of these measures
  • To determine the spread of blockchain technologies and how they will shape the future of payments
  • To outline the global landscape for cashless innovations and our position in it

When will the Cashless Payment Summit Be Held?

In the face of a need for consumers to be thoroughly versed on the latest payments systems, to equip them with knowledge on the processes and intricacies on these latest payment technologies the Cashless Payment Summit will be held on the 18th and 19th of October 2018 in Johannesburg at the Emperors Palace Convention Centre.

Who is this for?

  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Point of Sale manufacturers
  • Payment Systems executives
  • Point of Sale Manufacturers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Mobile Banking executives
  • Heads of Payment
  • Retail managers
  • Small and Medium Businesses
  • Bank managers
  • Mobile network managers
  • Telecommunications managers
  • ICT managers
  • Security managers
  • Cyber-security experts
  • Risk Officers
  • Business development executives
  • Software development engineers
  • Digital banking executives
  • Digital economy executives
  • Card manufacturers and suppliers
  • Digital money start-ups
  • Account Managers
  • Blockchain Specialists
  • Cryptocurrency experts
  • CEO
  • CMO
  • COO
  • CIO
  • CTO
  • Head of Product Development

Who should attend?

  • Head of Payment
  • Head of Digital Services
  • Head of Digital Security
  • Head of Security
  • Head of Information Security
  • Head of Procurement
  • Head of Retail Banking
  • Head of Card Operations
  • Head of Mobile Payments
  • Head of Technology
  • Head of Ecommerce
  • Head of Mobile Strategy
  • Head of Retail Operations
  • Head of Strategic Planning
  • Head of Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Head of Merchandising
  • Head of Security and Surveillance
  • Head of Risk Management
  • Head of Innovation
  • Head of Online Sale
  • Head of Cash Operations
  • Head of Acquiring and Processing

Target Sectors

  • Wholesale
  • Retail
  • Consumer groups
  • Information and Communication technology
  • Mobile phone businesses
  • Government departments
  • Banks and financial institutions

If you’re interested in attending the event, you can DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM HERE and email it to or fax to 0865527176.


One response

  1. Lester

    the dangers of a cashless society have been obvious to us a population since we were forced to accept the decision,because of incompetence from the likes of Gvt/RBZ

    i think this summit is educating the wrong people. rather start at the top where these moronic decisions and directions started from