This is a test targeted at a specific group. If you got here via a link on social media, rss or email, please just ignore and close the tab. sorry.
Otherwise, help us test this payment process. It’ll deduct 10 cents from your EcoCash balance.
This is a test targeted at a specific group. If you got here via a link on social media, rss or email, please just ignore and close the tab. sorry.
Otherwise, help us test this payment process. It’ll deduct 10 cents from your EcoCash balance.
The payment process is so smooth . How do you do it ?
Payment seems to go through smoothly. Unfortunately, I did not receive the Tech Insights as promised: still waiting even after 24 hours 🙁
I havent receive the Tech Insights as promised: still waiting since 14 September 🙁 and i even sent you an email yesterday and you are yet to reply.