Supa Mandiwanzira is Gone: Here Is His Legacy As Former Minister Of ICT and Cyber Security

Supa Mandiwanzira is gone. He is no longer the Minister of Information Communication Technology and Cyber Security in Presidents Mnangagwa’s new cabinet as he got replaced by Minister Kazembe Kazembe. His way to being the Minister of Information Communication Technology and Cyber Security started off after he was appointed Deputy Minister of Information in 2013 to be the Minister of Information Communication Technology in 2014 to eventually being Minister of Information Communication Technology and Cyber Security in 2017.

Under his guardianship, so much happened in the ICT sector and in his capacity as the Minister of ICT. Accordingly, I know that many people are either glad or unhappy to see his back. Anyway let’s see his legacy;

March 2015: 8 more radio licenses are awarded 

March 2015: Drafting of National ICT Policy

September 2015: Initiates Infrastructure Sharing

November 2015: Government starts to prepare to buy Telecel

January 2016: Government raises telecoms operators’ Universal Service Fund contributions

12 April 2016: Supa assures that the government won’t ban social media

April 2016: government finally buys Telecel

June 2016: Supa Accused of corruption

June 2016: Attorney General Accuses Supa of getting loans from  POTRAZ

July 2016: Supa responds to corruption allegations

August 2016: Supa comments on the suspension of promotions by Mobile Network Operators

August 2016: Supa clarifies the intention of the Cybercrime bill

September 2016: Supa talks about Digitisation

January 2017: Supa suspends Data tariff increase

February 2017: Supa says Government used money form Universal Service Fund to buy Telecel

February 2017: Supa says Government considering bringing back Econet’s shareholding back in Zimbabwe

August 2017: Supa discloses that the government wants to own Telecel 100%

December 2017: Supa becomes the Minister of ICT and Cyber security after the two ministries were merged.

January 2018: Supa implicated in a $4 million corruption scandal

January 2018: Supa Rubbishes Corruption Allegations Leveled Against Him

January 2018: Supa accused of creating a cartel in the telecoms industry by former CEO of Netone

January 2018: The Supa Gate

January 2018: Supa Mandiwanzira Cleared Of Kangai’s Corruption Allegations

February 2018: Supa Mandiwanzira Says There’s No Need To Merge NetOne And Telecel

March 2018: Supa Thinks EcoCash Dominance Could Be Disastrous

March: The ICT Policy And Innovation Drive finally launched

July 2018: Supa Speaks About The Voters Roll Being Online, He However Ignores The Unsolicited Texts From ZANU PF Candidates

August 2018: Supa gets sued by Netone’s CEO


8 responses

  1. MacdChip Avatar

    Im one of the happy ones to see his back, the guy was an assert striper.

    1. natsie Avatar

      He used his influence to unduly influence decisions in an industry in which he has businesses and interests
      He used his position and state funds to purchase Telecel, in which he has interests and benefited from
      He used his position to silence investigations over Netone & POTRAZ corruption
      He influenced the unprocedural award of the so-called Innovation Fund, taken from the Universal Service Fund funded by 1.5% taken from licensed Telecom operators. Recipients of funds were chosen under suspicious circumstances. No transparency on what the status of those funds are or whether those awarded companies are paying back. It was claimed to be a revolving fund
      His lifestyle is questionable and does not match either his position or possible profitability of his already conflicting business interests

  2. F. M Avatar
    F. M

    You left out the WhatsApp shutdown in 2016, having Lazarus Muchenje fired in 2018

  3.  Avatar

    I praise the Lord the thief id gone,… this guy was the worst we ever had.

  4. All's well Avatar
    All’s well

    Good riddance to bad rubbish !

  5. Supa Chibuku Avatar
    Supa Chibuku

    Useless guy.. a bloody thief!

  6. Worried Avatar

    Well we need an example… ED must go after him… He was definitely g40 and he must be made an example for all these new ministers

  7. Munhumutapa XXII Avatar
    Munhumutapa XXII

    He made the most meteoric rise ever witnessed. First time as MP in 2013 he became deputy Minister and within a year he was a full Minister through the 2014 purge at Zanu(PF). Could this have been a contributing factor to all the negativities that ensued ?

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