Zimnat Launches New Brand To Push Motor Insurance

Car breakdown fuel shortages

The insurance industry is going through a shake-up and industry giants are preparing to face-off with network operators with such as Econet and NetOne. Network operators are hedging on network effects to disrupt a number of industries. One of the industries at risk of being turned upside down is the insurance industry.

In the face of all this uncertainty, Zimnat is branching out and launching a new sub-brand in the motor insurance space. Gene Insure -as it will be known- is an offshoot that intends to appeal to the mass market. Targeting ALL motor insurance consumers regardless of their income level.

After going through some of their promo material, Gene Insure seems to have some similarities they share with EcoSure’s recently announced Moovah Insurance offering. Like Moovah, Gene Insure offers free licence disc and radio licence delivery along with guaranteed hospitals bills in case you’re hospitalised in an accident.

There are some differences as well. Gene Insure is promising road-side assistance for third-party customers -which they are claiming is a first.

Gene Insure hopes to set itself apart by “closing the gap of poor service that characterises the existing market”. In line with this promise:

  • You can send Gene Insure a call me back and they will call
  • Their social media channels include: Whatsapp, FB, Twitter and web support on their page
  • Toll-free line
  • Automated email updates
  • Automated SMS updates

Another incentive Gene Insure is offering will be a free renewal on the 10th consecutive term renewal with no claims.

In terms of premiums, Gene Insure’s website lists a $31/per term premium which must be the lowest on offer. We contacted Gene Insure for clarification on the issues such as the payouts in case of an accident along with other details concerning their premiums but unfortunately, they are yet to respond.

You can also visit Gene Insure’s website for more information.

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