Adspace Wants To Simplify How People Advertise Their Products/Services And They Have A Great Tool


Adspace has set their sights on a goal. They set out to make the process of looking for an advertisement service provider through to launching an actual campaign much easier. With this in mind, they are now providing an “automated advertisement channel”. Their service is already available in 3 countries and they plan to expand to other African countries.

Simplifying advertising campaigns

The idea is to bring both advertisers and publishers in one place and make it easy to actually get ad space from the comfort of your home.

You just go onto Adspace‘s website and you’re greeted by options on which medium you want to advertise through;

  • Digital
  • Magazine
  • Newspaper
  • Cinema
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Email Marketing
  • Billboard
  • Social media

Once you’ve picked the medium you actually want you can then sort them by price or actually filter out the ones outside your price point. Some publishers also upload helpful demographic stats such as gender, age, income level and the region. If you know anything or two about advertising you’ll know that these statistics are vital in targeting the right viewers/listeners and increasing chances of actually converting those ads into revenue.

Having selected the publishers you can actually go on to create an advertising campaign and set what needs to be achieved, length of the campaign and the artwork for the campaign. After confirming the details of the campaign an order is generated and sent to whatever publisher you had marked as your target. Campaigns can also be reused even if the length you originally intended has passed. This order placement event triggers an email notification to the publishing administrator so as to reduce the feedback turnaround time for an order made by the advertiser.

After payment, the publisher will go on to advertise the campaign as expected.

How does adspace make money from this concept?

They charge a 2.75% processing fee if you’re paying via MasterCard, Visa, PayNow or 3% if you paying via PayPal.

Adspace’s concept is quite interesting and I think it takes a lot of confusion out of the whole process of advertising. I think if you’re on a tight budget this would be a great way to create a campaign eliminating the costs you would incur to get an advertising agency and hell even if you’re using an agency this would be a good tool to go digital and bring everything together in one place.


4 responses

  1.  Avatar

    Hey where is the tool or link to their website

    1. munhu washe Avatar
      munhu washe

    2. Simbarashe Mukorera Avatar

      You can access our premium advertising inventory via . if you are in South Africa you can access directly

  2. G Avatar

    Link to adspace but context i.e what does the competition look like

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