Deputy Minister Of Information Energy Mutodi Tells AMH To Restore Normal Prices Of NewsDay & Papers From AMH

So the prices of newspapers from AMH have increased and obviously people are not too chuffed about that!!

A few days ago, papers under AMH (Newsday, Zim Independent and The Standard) put out notices stating that they would be shifting prices from the 10th (today):

We take pride in bringing you world-class, cutting edge content through the newspapers you have come to love: NewsDay which incorporates the SouthernEye, the Zimbabwe Independent and The Standard.

We note with concern the recent developments that have fuelled market speculation, product scarcity and result in general cost increases. Unfortunately we have not been spared from these market forces, and hence we have had to adjust the cover charge of each of our publications accordingly.

Please note that with effect from Wednesday 10 October 2018, the following prices will apply;

NewsDay which incorporates the SouthernEye – $2 per copy

Zimbabwe Independent                                         – $4 per copy

The Standard                                                        – $2 per copy

The above increases will not affect existing subscriptions.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to continue delivering fair, accurate and objective news that builds and takes the nation of Zimbabwe forward.

People are outraged but I kind of understand why they have to raise their prices. Yes, people may be used to buying papers at $1 because “that’s just the way things are and should be!!” The reality, however, is that prices have spiked so the value of salaries has fallen. Keeping the paper at $1 could mean a decrease in quality news…

The Deputy Minister of Information has stepped in and in keeping with the price control schemes that have made a comeback, he declared that papers should be and will be a $1. He took to his Twitter account to say:

NEWSPAPER PRICES TO REMAIN AT $1: Following a gvt directive for unscrupulous businessmen to stop hiking prices, I am urging all newspapers to stop flying along the wind & keep their prices @ $1. The media industry shall never be subject to speculative behaviour under our watch.

Great news for us

By us, I mean the players operating on the internet. Because there has been outrage when it comes to these price increases people will probably begin buying bundles and just browsing on the internet instead. A 250 Mb bundle will actually allow you to browse news from NewsDay, Independent and Standard and once you’re done with you’ll still be able to access many more sites. Though the usual complaint is that data is too expensive if the newspapers further increase their prices consumers will be forced to go online.


Readers stand to benefit as well. One thing I’ve noticed with the internet is that you usually go on the internet for one thing only to discover many other things. It will be a great way for consumers who’ve restricted the consumption to physical mediums to start branching out


2 responses

  1.  Avatar

    The question is, will you have access to the whole paper NO. You will always go back to the print edition trust me. The thing is that, I will never manage a subscription of the Press Reader to read the whole paper.

  2. Worried Avatar

    I got say your opinion makes no sense best only puts a few articles… What about the ads

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