Long long back when African movies were the in-thing, most African Movies started with a narration usually in a deep voice that would say ” from the producers of such such a movie” marketed and distributed by so and so the guys that brought you so and so. This was very tedious and we would fast forward this part because it was taking our precious time from the movie. Long after that when I had outgrown African movies and making my mark in the advertising industry I discovered the power of linking your previous work to your current project and (because people forget easily) get to remind everyone that you are doing this on merit, and you have done it and succeeded before.
Success is measured in many ways nowadays and one of the easiest ways to measure it is by seeing the level of consistency the project exudes at any given time. Many businesses and projects failed because at one point they lowered their standards and customers were put off and voila things took a nosedive. Survival in this ever-changing 4th Industrial Revolution era has become a matter of extinction, especially in the ICT world.
What, Where, When?
Computer Society of Zimbabwe will hold their annual Summer School Event where they will tackle things that will ensure among other things survival in this ever-changing era. The theme for the Summer School will be: FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION WITH FOCUS ON EVERYTHING ICT – THE DIGITAL AGE & CYBER SECURITY. Exhibitions and launches will be done at this summer school. Speakers will include Azhar Khan a tech-entrepreneur, Dr Stanislas Bigirimana a systems scientist, Saj Abraham a Director at Digital Business and an Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, Blockchain expect, just to name a few. The event will be held On 7 to 10 November 2018 in the resort town of Victoria Falls
So who should attend I’m sure you all have that question. According to the CSZ
Invited and encouraged to participate are Board representatives, C-Level and
technocrats to interact with various ICT Companies, and experts to actively engage in the
various facets of organizational automations and digital solutions.
The Summer School will be delivered in many different methods that will encourage interaction and participation:
Delivery method will be through subject expert keynote addresses and specialized break away
sessions with key topic streams for Decision Makers, Technical Streams, Demo Centres and
Exhibitions. During the event, specialized exclusive sessions designed for Executives and
Technical Teams will be facilitated to assist on their roles in digital adoption, steering and aid
in answering todays challenges of the role of technology and digital adoption in growing the
business and giving it the requisite upper hand.
You can register and book your seat here. or contact the Computer Society of Zimbabwe on this number if you have any further questions+263242250489/90
3 responses
It’s the third industrial revolution.
The sharing n p2p economy with lateral power,energy systems.
Zero marginal cost society
Distributed capitalism through cryptoasset platforms
Coming form centralised systems
How much?
$1800 for members and $2000 for non members. The package include transportation and accommodation and access to the event