Crazy Reactions To Kwese Tv’s Shutting Down

Kwese TV

The news of Kwese TV virtually closing down (or rather scaling down) its service has been disproportionately met with adverse reactions by both Econet ‘lovers and haters’. People just don’t have kind words. If you take into account the faith people have in Econet’s products and services nobody envisioned this abrupt demise of Kwese TV.

We have gathered a number of reactions (from Twitter) people had when it dawned on them that Kwese TV was no more.

Techzim Twitter followers reactions

brixton mun‏ @BrixtonMun 19h19 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

he opened this Kwese thing during th Mugabe era & closes it during th ED era,,,& he tells us ED vakuita mashura,,,go to hell u black emperialist Strive Masiyiwa!

Regy‏ @Regy86423418 20h20 hours ago

Saka madish enyu mouya kuzotora rini

BD‏ @Beedee136 22h22 hours ago

They have outdone Multichoice in arrogance. People sat in a meeting and agreed to say nothing to thousands of customers.

I thought @StriveMasiyiwa and your @kwese would be different. Not even a single notice, really? Such fraud…unwarranted

Tapiwa Mash‏ @tapimash 24h24 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

This is unprofessional, just shutting down without prior notice

Asekuru‏ @KurariraHurodo 3h3 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

I knew I should never trust this Econet thing .We have been fleeced.

Allen Ngandu‏ @allen_ngandu 21h21 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

Ndomanyemwe ka aya, mirai zvechi zanu zanu

Ezekiel Mabaya‏ @EzekielMabaya Nov 2

Replying to @Techzim

If only they had acquired broadcasting rights of all Barclays premier league matches, eufa champions, laliga things would have been btr, considering that dstv is being paid in USD which is currently being rated.

James St. Patrick‏ @vincemutsenhu 18h18 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

Had a poorly formulated vision & mission. The company was vying for the world cup to get viewership, but viewership wained because unlike DSTVs multimillion dollar studio called Supersport, the same football was not immersive.Its not just football,its about quality&ambience

Fortue Mwaleh‏ @f_mwaleh 22h22 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

Econet inonyanya kuda kubata kwese when they can’t fully deliver kumwe kwavakatangira

CheMusora HariMbiri‏ @kudakwashechab 4h4 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim @DavidColtart

Econet was charging bond papers yet content on kwese had to be paid in real money so it is natural for kwese to die bcoz bond ne usd are not at par

Alfred Ncube‏ @ancube 16h16 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim

Zimbabwe both political leadership and populace has no ability to incubate local stars. Dstv shld have never found supporters in Zimbabwe. We shld have stuck our guns behind Kwese. DSTV will never do much for Zimbabweans like they do back home. Look they have studios in Joburg

tarumbidzwa madziwa‏ @Tarughost30 3h3 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim @DavidColtart

It’s mostly because of the soccer.. People in zim don’t wanna watch basketball kwese didn’t offer us that so yeah they died till they get soccer rights particularly EPL they’ll become relevant

MORRIS MATUBU‏ @MatubuMorris 14h14 hours ago

Replying to @Techzim @DavidColtart

I feel cheated by Strive himself. What am I going to do with his useless decoder now?


12 responses

  1. Gilbert Mhazo Avatar

    Somebody has to sue this kwese tv for fraud.

  2.  Avatar

    Ironic. Kwese folds up because they can’t get real currency to source content. It’s own comes out in defence of the very economic setup that forced its closure. What the problem is?

    1. Garikai Avatar

      Kwese was not just operating in Zimbabwe so don’t blame the Zimbabwean economy here

  3. Tendai Chirara Avatar
    Tendai Chirara

    lets fight to sue this fraudster

  4.  Avatar


  5. Always off Topic Avatar
    Always off Topic

    Another satellite tv business that tried to go head to head with DSTV and lost. Another one bites the dust.
    Your article heading is certainly correct in saying that the reaction to this news is crazy. Come on guys, fraud? Really?
    To be quite frank they should have never launched the service without acquiring the right content. You donot need to be a marketing guru to figure out that NBA cannot compete ne EPL in Zim.
    Even with iFlix hapana content, if you are a film connoisseur there is nothing there for you unless you are into African movies, and Korean (i think) shows. Another thing was the problem with data.After iFlix launched they realised in hindsight that there were no suitable data bundles for long video streaming sessions. Even now you cannot really immerse yourself in iFlix as you will always be resctricted by the limiting data allowances. Shame.

  6. Rangararirai Avatar

    what kwese did was daylight robbery, such things will never happens in developed countries.

    1. sg Avatar

      in developed countries kwese will be successful

  7. Fed Up Avatar
    Fed Up

    Pure arrogance and incompetance really! Makes you wonder about the other Econet entities – we might wake up in the morning to suddenly discover Steward had been pulled! I still remember back to the days when they showed their arrogance but suddenly converting all the econet accounts into prepaid – it’s part of a pattern. Such arrogance always points to incompetant leadership

  8. Kudzai Magumise Avatar
    Kudzai Magumise

    They had the audacity to tell me to pay my subscription on the 29th when they knew that they were stopping their services. This needs a class action suit.

  9. Fafi Avatar

    If it was a currency issue, then better to tell us to pay in USD or Rands, haikona kubvisa. How many are switching back to DStv now? And will be paying in Rands to get the South African bouquets.

  10. Dudexell Avatar

    Zvimbavha fokoro mhani

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