HIT To Host University Blockchain Summer School On The 9th of November

Harare Institute of Technology is partnering with XinFin – a global open source Hybrid Blockchain protocol/platform to make the Univeristy Blockchain Summer School on The 9th of November.

The summer school will cover a cryptocurrency lecture – cryptos did put blockchain on the map after all. There will also be a blockchain 101 along with a look at the applications of blockchain and a blockchain students initiative.

Topics to be discussed

The blockchain summer school will be an all-day and it will feature the following talks:

  • Blockchain Demystified – Time for Zimbabwe is now!
  • The role of blockchain technology in Zimbabwe’s Transformation
  • Future of Blockchain in Zimbabwe’s Higher & Tertiary Education
  • Blockchain Future in Africa’s Economic Development
  • Introduction to Cryptocurrencies
  • The role of young people in Blockchain
  • Financing through Blockchain: Use case of XinFin
  • Can Blockchain Liberate Africa?
  • The future of Blockchain in Zimbabwe & Africa
  • Application of Blockchain: How KuvaCash will solve Zimbabwe’s Transport system

That’s definitely a lot of stuff being touched on and if you’re interested in blockchain this looks like a must-attend event.


The speaker lists also has some notable names on it:

Tawanda Kembo – Founder & CEO at Golix

Garth Richmond – Sales & Business Development Lead at KuvaCash

Jonathan Fennel – Genesis Block Africa Founder

Alakanani Itireleng – Satoshi Centre Founder & Ceo Botswana

James Saruchera – KuvaCash CEO

Confidence Nyirenda – XinFin Development Manager Africa

Budwell Masaiti – Lecturer & Blockchain Researcher | Harare Institute of Technology

It’s great that the speakers are all actively involved in blockchain one way or another. I doubt there will any of that hypothetical stuff at this event and you’ll be getting real experiences of real-world products which is great.


The event will start at 0830 and end around 1630 and the event will be open to everyone who is interested in attending. Best of all it won’t cost you a thing (apart from transport costs) to attend as the event is free.

Register for the University Blockchain Summer School Here


3 responses

  1.  Avatar

    Will there be registration taking place

  2.  Avatar

    before the event

  3. Petronella Manyowa Avatar
    Petronella Manyowa

    Go HIT

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