[Press Release] TechScene Offers 50% Discount For Black Friday Sale

[Press Release] TechScene Offers 50% Discount For Black Friday Sale

We rarely have any Black Friday sales in Zim but this year TechScene is trying to change that culture. The electronics company will be selling certain products at 50% off and this might be a great time to look out for some of the products you’ve been eyeing all year.

Get Ready to Shop (And Seriously Save) This Black Friday. Hurry get all your gizmos at almost half the price! Yes half the price! For one day
only on the 23rd of November 2018. All our products will be priced at least 50% off the normal price for 24 hours.

No hustles no long queues. Shop from the comfort of your own home or office on our
online store www.techscene.co.zw .Make an order and pay on the very same day (23 November 2018) for the nearly 50% off offer to
be valid. Unlike last year, we are expecting high traffic on the website. So people should expect the site to respond accordingly. We have
however put measures to make the shopping experience more enjoyable less frustrating. The delivery time remains the same, 3-7 working days. At precisely 00:01 hours on the 23rd that is when the sale will start. It will end at 23:59 hours. Orders that are unpaid for by end of day will automatically be cancelled.

This year, don’t miss out! Be one of the first to cash in on these extreme retail deals this Black Friday


  1. Chipazhamongo W

    Can someone please confirm how reliable is this techscene. N1 who has engaged there services. How was the experience

    • Anonymous

      I used them in February. They are very reliable.

  2. tachalazee

    do they accept ecocash, you left outpayment methods they accept i think that part is crucial if you have any idea

  3. Welly Mbedzi

    Accepted payment methods are listed at the bottom of the site. Techscene accept all legal forms of payment in Zimbabwe.

  4. Chipazhamongo W

    Bought a pvr stick on black friday. By Tuesday i had my stick. Techscene is the real deal. Chipazhamongo W approves. Now wishing if i had but mo trust in their services may wld have bought myself something big at a cheaper price

    • Anonymous

      Wow, good for you. Bought mine on same day, hasn’t arrived yet, no communication yet. Still processing transaction. Still hoping and having faith they’ll deliver.

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