Weird, You Can Now Use Hashtags In Google Maps: Is Google Maps Becoming Half Social Network?

Google Maps is rapidly evolving into a bigger and (potentially) better platform than it has been previously. And the latest feature Google is adding to the Maps mix is hashtags. Yes, Google Maps will soon be awash with hashtags, for better or worse. You can now add hashtags to your reviews Google Maps’ latest update. So, for example, if you’re reviewing a restaurant you can add #dinnerdate or for other events, you can add #Zim2018Elections,#F8Facebook, #BudgetZW etc.

Hashtags have become a common component in Internet communications. They (hashtags) are used to quickly search through content that contains the relevant keyword. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are famous for pioneering the use of this feature. Google suggests people use up to five hashtags per review, and place them at the end of the review rather than make a review harder to read by placing them throughout. So in Google Maps’ case, the hashtags should make it easier to search for the perfect restaurant, place, event, monument, etc. However, this is reliant on people using hashtags responsibly. Which isn’t guaranteed.

Google rolled out hashtags to Maps quietly and Google Maps’ Local Guides (its service used by volunteers to contribute to Google Maps) are already actively using hashtags in their reviews. According to TechCrunch, the ability to add or view hashtags is only currently available on Android devices. There’s no word yet when it will be added to the iOS version of Google Maps.

Google Maps Is Becoming a Social Network

In recent months Google has added a range of new features to Maps. To the point which Google Maps is starting to feel a little bloated. The days when Google Maps was primarily used to help us all get from A-to-B are over, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

Many of Google’s recent changes to Maps makes it feel more like a social network. This includes Google Maps helping you plan group eventsGoogle Maps helping you explore your local area, and Google Maps letting you message businesses. At the moment Google does not have a social network that really rivals Whatsapp or Facebook, so is it a stretch to think that it’s trying to integrate a social network element into Google Maps?

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