EcoCash Encouraging Users To Spend With The 50:50 Cash Back Promo

EcoCash’s new promotion seems to be flipping the finger on any budget plans you had during this festive season with their cash back promotion.

Earlier on today Econet subscribers started receiving the following texts:

Lets Go 50:50 EcoCash Bonus Cash back promotion on SEND MONEY starts today, 22/12/18. Your December target is $x. Send money to earn cash back

What exactly does this message mean?

The message itself is a bit cryptic and like most of these promotions it’s not as clear as it seems.

EcoCash’s Twitter account was bombarded with questions of what exactly this promotion meant and their response to one of the enquiries was;

Kindly note that you have the opportunity to earn something back when you transact above your set target. You get 1% on every dollar transacted above your set target plus there will be a grand draw at the end of the promotion with exciting prizes to be won. ^ZOD

Essentially you have to meet the target you’ve been sent and then once you’ve met the target you start earning 1%.

I’m not entirely sure where the 50:50 name comes from as that kind of suggests that you getting 50% back but there’s nothing of that sort here.

[Update]: It seems the 50:50 is pointing to that 2% tax. Once you’ve reached your target EcoCash will be footing half of your 2% IMT tax. It makes sense after all!


14 responses

  1. Haha Avatar

    I’m asking mtuli ncube to reduce all banking charges by 3% including mobile money… This will offset the 2% imt tax…. And every one is s a win winner

  2. Principal Avatar

    Another scam here. I was given a target of $4900. So if i send money worth $6000, I get $11 back.? For sending $6000, Mthuli Ncube takes $120. Ecocash charges take almost $30 and i get $11 back. Nonsense!!!

    1. What the actuall Hell Avatar
      What the actuall Hell

      HAHAHAHAHA, Econet should venture into stand up comedy or something.

  3. Principal Avatar

    Some of these ads need serious investigations and penalties. The original message never said anything about the 1%. I will not be surprised in many people were fooled into believing that they would get 50% of the money sent back. These guys must be under tremendous pressure to deliver from Strive Masiyiwa. He must be a “bully” who sets unrealistic targets to these poor souls : the same way Kombi operators set daily targets to their drivers, ignoring the fuel shortages, road blocks etc. The consequences are always disastrous.

  4.  Avatar

    Theft by false pretence. The regulatory authorities must wake up to these scams. Who will protect the povo as we get ripped off by unscrupulous so-called entrepreneurs???? CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY!

  5.  Avatar


  6. Dombo Avatar

    come on you econet guys ur message was not clear kutibira ka uku ,ko iyo potraz irikutii about these messages ,they never started anything about 1% where is this coming from you owe us an apology ECONET we ain’t your fools who does that to a customer?

  7. WeZaka Avatar

    Ava vagara imbavha. Hapana zvitsva apa. Nxaa😆😖😤🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😠

  8. TD Avatar

    Can some sue for false advertising i also thought i will get 50% back, what about majority of poor Zimbabweans who do not even know about twitter???

  9. Mad as hell Avatar
    Mad as hell

    Yet again we get ripped off by Econet. If it’s not their tariffs screwing us over now false advertising. It’s time to take a stand against daylight robbery. I for one am seriously thinking about changing network providers.

  10. peter Avatar

    econet ndoombavha koo december vakati 50;50 promotion ndikasvitsa target havana kundipa bonus yacho now vaisa futi target ya january haa ndokuda kungotibira mari dzedu uku

  11. Telvin Avatar

    Nxaaa econet musatambe nepfungwa dzedu,,,

  12. T~BomB Avatar

    this is misrepresentation at its best here…how are u going to give the so called promotion such a name as that..50/50!?!?! thats like you wil be getting half back or something. the thing should be called 0.01:0.01 if they want a name with numbers in it. this is misleading people here.

  13. Tale Kundy Jesus Man Avatar
    Tale Kundy Jesus Man

    I have reached my January target of $527 so what is gonna happen next or they just wanted us to do more transactions so that they will get something from us? I need to know the next step

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