The Minister of ICT and Courier Services, Kazembe Kazembe has appointed a new board of directors for NetOne. Here is a statement from the ministry:
In accordance with the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act (Chapter 10:31, Part I I I) the Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services hereby announces the newly appointed Board of NetOne.
The framework of rules and practices by which a board of directors ensures accountability, fairness and transparency in a company’s relationship with its all stakeholders (financiers, customers. management, employees. government and the community) is one of the major attributes of corporate governance.
NetOne as a government entity has been operating without a board for more than two months and that has affected its operations particularly in areas where there was need for Board decisions.
The new Board is expected to set values for the organization, ensure wider impacts even the non-listed sector and to act in the best interest of the organization and all its stakeholders including the government by facilitating effective and prudent management that can deliver the long term success of NetOne.
NetOne is expected to play its part and take its rightful role as a serious player in the telecoms sector in this country. We appreciate the progress that NetOne is making judged by the 57 million dollar loss they made in 2017 to the current position where they are declaring a profit within a period of eleven months. The Board is therefore expected to sustain this positive trajectory and ensure that NetOne declares a dividend to the shareholder
The names arc as follows;
Mr. James Prince Mutizwa (Board Chairman)
Mrs. Susan Muchaneta Mutangadura (Vice Chairperson)
Mr. Winston Makamure
Mr. Mathias Rangarirai Mavhunga
Mr. Paradzai Mutandwa Chakona
It is hoped that this initial five (5) member board will bring sanity to the organization. ‘The remainder of the Board Members will be appointed as soon as the ongoing formalities are completed.
I was elated to see only five names and then the statement concludes by promising more members to be added! Anyway, all the best to the newly appointed members of the board, all the best to NetOne.
2 responses
Regional balance?
Yeah, I noticed that too