WhatsApp Incoming Update To Bring Redesigned Emojis And Fixes ‘Issues With Stickers’

Alvine Chaparadza Avatar

According to Webatinfo, WhatsApp will soon roll out a new beta update which will introduce redesigned emojis and also fixes an issue which prevented some users from selecting and sending a sticker. The update will bring design changes to 357 emojis which range from color minor adjustments to the addition of tiny new details.

As for the changes in the design of emojis, they will not be instantly noticeable unless you carefully compare them with the older design. For example, in the case of emojis for different hand gestures, you’ll see that the new emojis now feature creases to represent different sections of the fingers. Here’s a comparison to show you the difference:

Additionally, some changes have been made to the facial expression emojis as well as those depicting inanimate objects such as dresses, hats, etc. Take a look below to see some of the redesigned emojis that will soon be rolled out via the stable channel. Check more stickers by following this link.

Aside from bringing redesigned emojis, the coming WhatsApp update will also remove an issue which prevented some users from sending stickers, even though they could receive the from other users.



  1. Van Lee Chigwada

    So we’re doing stories on WhatsApp updates now?
    According to my version; there have been 361 updates in 2018…… ima let you finish that sentence.

    Get your stuff together TZ; instead of these useless updates, follow up on your older stories,,, mid-year you wrote a story for a hackathon that faded into obscurity amid a crisis of donor fund abuse; you penned a story about a guy who innovated a generator,,,he got a warning letter from an international company over copyright fraud; another guy who got invited to Silicon Valley,,,turns out it was just a lie.

    thats content to pen,,,not WhatsApp updates.

    1. wokenman

      Well said – quality of articles here is dropping like the Zim Bollar value.

    2. Kratos

      Some of us are interested in these stories. If you don’t like what’s written just skip that article and look for what you find more interesting.

  2. Anonymous

    alert(hello friend);

  3. boring stuff guys

    i have to agree with van lee and wokenman, this is real crap!

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