So ZIMSEC announced that they are now uploading results on an online portal which is pretty cool. Unfortunately accessing this portal has been a nightmare and we’ve seen guys ask us a few questions about the service. We got in touch with ZIMSEC’s PR and they answered a few of these questions:
Q: Can I access my results if I wrote my exams years ago?
A: No. The Portal contains results from November 2018 going forward. If you wrote before that there’s no reason for you to use the portal.
Q: Can Private Candidates also access their results on the online portal.
A: Yes, there’s no separation between private candidates and normal candidates
Q: They are saying “account has been halted” what do I do?
A: You’ll have to go to your center to collect the results manually because the account halted error only pops up when two people have tried to login into the same account.
6 responses
How do i access my results?
error:Candidate with supplied details not found.
Put the details as they are on the statement of entry.
It’s saying your account is not yet activated
You have created your account under zimsec or centre login and not candidate login
If my account has been helt how do I delete all the accounts that used my candidate number and start loging in again