The Internet Pays Homage To Mutukudzi

Yesterday Zimbabwe lost its most celebrated music icon Oliver Mutukudzi. News of his passing has taken both the internet and in particular social media by storm. Virtually all my contacts who are on WhatsApp have some sort of tribute to the venerated musician on their status.

Probably every Zimbabwean is talking about him on Facebook. On Twitter ~#Tuku with 37 000 tweets , #Samanyaga (his “totem call/title”) with 8 500 tweets, #Oliver with 66 000 tweets and #RestInPeace with 98 000 tweets are all trending.

Here are some of the tributes to the great man from the Twitter:


One response

  1. Liberty Magidi Avatar
    Liberty Magidi

    Some companies have defaced their websites for Tuku as well, tried to access and the site is landing on to a Tuku banner

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