Only For Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts: Herald Publishes A Hilarious Cartoon About Tendai Biti’s ‘New Currency’ Claim

Cryptocurrecy, cash crisis, e-currency, blockchain, Bitcoin crash slump rise

I’m sure you remember that two days ago, Former Finance Minister sent Zimbabwe into a state of frenzy when he said that the government will introduce a new currency this week.

Although the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe dismissed that claim that same day, The Herald decided to make a joke out of Mr Biti’s claim today with a very hilarious cartoon. Its so unfortunate that besides cryptocurrency enthusiasts, probably a few people will grasp the meaning of the cartoon. For me, I was (and I still am) in stitches for at least 10 minutes when I beheld the cartoon this morning. Maybe I have a very easily stimulated sense of humour, that’s why I found the cartoon so humorous. But just check it out

Image credit: The Herald

What the cartoon is saying?

The figure in a red top is Mr Biti making his claim. And the figure in the grey top is the current Finance Minister, Mthuli Ncube who is being sarcastic (whilst dismissing his claim) by asking the name of the alleged currency which he is calling Biti-coin. Biti-coin being a play between two words: Biti (for Mr Biti) and Bitcoin.


11 responses

  1. thanks for nothing ! Avatar
    thanks for nothing !

    Gee whiz, did you really need to explain it? One would have to be a total frigging dimwit not to get it without your assistance!!!

  2. dimwit Avatar

    duh !!

  3. Frika Avatar

    Saka use high sense of humour. Kkkk

  4. Frika Avatar

    Saka une high sense of humour. Kkkk

  5. Frika Avatar

    I mean you think une high sense of humour. Kkkk

  6. Citizen Avatar

    no need to explain it really, it’s one of those ‘wasara wasara / asipo hapo’ kind of things…… kkkk

  7. John Avatar

    Have not seen a carton that needs 2000 other text to explain

  8. Rodgers K Avatar
    Rodgers K


  9. Msquered Avatar

    😂😂😂😂😂 So lit

  10. Msquered Avatar

    😂😂😂😂😂 So lit best ever

  11. HHH Avatar

    you are so dumb more than the alleged jokes/ cartoon

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